You're allowed out once a day for exercise. I live in the sticks and I have never seen so many cyclists. But they're 2 metres from anyone else so I guess that is OK.
That's fine unless they have an accident and end up in A&E and add to the burden of the whole of the NHS. :mad:
That's fine unless they have an accident and end up in A&E and add to the burden of the whole of the NHS. :mad:

Yes, I am a bit undecided on that. I'm not a leisure cyclists but if I need to get to the station or pub I cycle. Only once had an accident requiring A&E and that was not my fault but cyclepath in such bad repair my front wheel went catapaulting me over the handlebars. Looking at some of the potholes I wouldn't risk it on an ordinary road bike.

Last year a friend of mine who is in a cycling club posted a picture while they were out on a ride. The lead guy went through what looked like a small puddle but which turned out to be a major rut. Snapped the front forks, smashed the wheel and unfortunately required an ambulance and hospitalisation. You wouldn't want to repeat that now. On the other hand, dry and sunny today so probably safe if going an easy pace and being careful. At the end of the day it is all about common sense and minimising risk, both to yourself and others.

At the moment many hospitals are actually rather quiet as they've freed up beds, A&E is dead and not many cases have come in. London is bonkers, Birmingham is following and I think someone said Liverpool was hotting up.
The only working girls I see at the moment are rather woolly, it's now lambing time and the farm where my car is is now strictly OOB (out of bounds) as my mate the farmer never knows where he'll be needed (the sheep are everywhere). So, the old girl will have to sit it out like the rest of us and I'll start doing all the work on her as and when, didn't even manage to get the solar charger on, minor problem compared to everything else that's happening. Whatever's the cause of the smoke will still be therein 1 or 2 months time, as long as I'm still alive to see it and play again, I'll report back. Take care people, stay safe.
But it would be a good time to let the Plusgas do it's job. Time to Get the cameo gear on and cross the fields.

The farmer might shoot him if he thinks he's going to molest his sheep. That's his perogative!
Made me smile again, thank you! The foxes had most of his chickens so the gun is always 'handy' therefore I might be taking flowers to my own funeral (he's a great believer in 2 sayings 1) shoot first ask questions later, 2) dead men can't tell tales), it is a shame about not being able to leave the bores soaking for weeks but, all things considered, might just sit this one out.:(
...have also heard of putting a bit of diesel in the bores to free everything off, anyone else? while awaiting the Redex?

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