OK , im back , im not holding back here , I told you all id update asap and here I am ,
garage couldnt get compression up and wanted to listen to it to diagnose what problem is , theyve now got it started and are getting head off tomorrow (just started on it today) they are confident they can repair it rather than replace it.
They say there is an obvious knocking from underneath so will take off sump tomorrow and suspect a damaged rod , they will fix that and take head off also to see why it is loosing compression .not much of an update , literally that they are willing to try to repair rather than replace. also they say there is an oil leak from where dipstick goes in which was just a case of screwing it back in , thats bloody annoying because that may have over time caused issue!! , , They are going to get back to me with a price once theyve had a proper look , with labour im hoping it wont be more than £500 , am I kididng myself?
Phew! we thought we'd lost you! I'll hold back on whether £500 might cover it - keep us posted................... good luck
Do you know the garage's labour rate? I would imagine £500 gets a lot done labour wise as they are after all, basic engines to work on. The worst case scenario is that they strip, find it's terminal and ask for £250 labour. Best case scenario is that it gets fixed to a good standard for your £500 - with change for a couple of celebratory pints.

It's worth spending on and getting it back on the road.
It shouldnt take more than half a day to drop the sump and pop the head off. Hopefully they can diagnose from there.
Fingers crossed for ye.................. :D
Been away 24 hours and no body has posted on this thread to get me all exited about a result...................... Oh

Bu@@er :oops:
I fear the news is bad and he's staring in the face of a plastic SUV.................................................
The Land Rover is at a garage and it's been there a week.....which means they haven't even lifted the bonnet yet :)
Let's be fair to Neil - poor bugger hasn't had the luck/opportunity to learn engines like we have - he's probably worried sick - update would be nice though............................................. Neil????? you out there???????
I had no bleedin choice. Young and skint was good motivation to learn how to keep a rusting wreck on the road.:oops:

My fingers are still crossed.;)
I had no bleedin choice. Young and skint was good motivation to learn how to keep a rusting wreck on the road.:oops:

My fingers are still crossed.;)
Exactly! we were LUCKY to be young and broke! Now I'm just broke.................... oh - and have to run old motors 'cos I can't work 'puters.......................... like I said - lucky!
Still no news , I do appreciate your enthusiasm/support , however im not holding back , imagine how I feel , im spending £5 a day on the bloody bus.
Neil! Excellent! You're still with us! Know what you mean about the bus - some years back I decided to be responsible and get the bus to work - 3 quarter mile walk to bus stop, almost 7 quid a day to travel 6 miles, nearly 45mins and got to my desk 10 mins late - went back to driving my 6.2 litre Chevy to work - cheaper even with parking! Anyway back to your Landy - when do you expect to hear? Has he had a look at all? As usual - good luck
Spoke to garage , he has taken head off , head gasket has gone , needs replacing , valves are all good so as far as top end goes thats ok , is taking sump off tommorow to have a look at crank , will have a ££££PRICE££££ for me on Friday , Fingers crossed , I think labour will be a killer. Assures me will not replace anything that doesnt need it as its a pain and he seems genuine , still got fingers crossed for £500 poss £600
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