oh hell dont spend £15 on that stuff go to B&Q and get the mesh from the plastering department thats used for rendering its galvanised steel and wont go rusty and is in 8ft by 3ft sheets for about £25 same gayge and evrything

thought id add a link

B&Q - Search

good idea, never thought of them!

liking the idea of the perforated aluminium though! :D
got a bit done this afternoon, going a bit slow at the moment, lots of other things to do :mad:

not many pics im afraid, will get some more tommorow :)



since those pics ive painted a few bits white, finished the suspension, put the front extended breather pipe on, made some stainless body stays and had a little test drive up the drive :D

only bad bit is i got her all dirty :( :D

oh and dads put the next project in the workshop, i think thats a hint that i need to hurry up :D

is this next project all yours or are you doing it in partnership with yer dad

no just my dads, but i end up doing most of the hard stuff anyway :D (will be the fourth in less than a year)

will be looking for another one of just mine though, once this one is finished :D
been doing a few bits after school this week, so a few more pics for u guys, lots of painting still, and im not very good at it :(

a few pics of the suspension and breather pipes when she was on the ramp this weekend



so fuel filler is in, all the cappings are painted, only a few are on though, the bonnet is in ready for paint and the drivers door is finished









will carry on doing little bits and pieces during the week
what did you do withthe shockers in the end? (apart from it looking like its upside down)
are you fitting the bolt and tube thru the spring hanger?
and is that a polybush i see in the spring? didnt know you could get em for leafs!
what did you do withthe shockers in the end? (apart from it looking like its upside down)
are you fitting the bolt and tube thru the spring hanger?
and is that a polybush i see in the spring? didnt know you could get em for leafs!

i think it is upside down, but it works as a damper for now, its one of those things im going to play with over time i think :D

they are just extended fronts, i think from a series, but i dont know, found them down the back of the workshop :D

and yes, it is polys in the springs, every bush on it is a poly now

i bought the kit from here:

Flo-Flex Polyurethane Limited

but i got it for £35 because i got them at billing :D
have been doing a little bit of tinkering the last few days

ive put the other seat in, with a bit of rubber and sound proofing in a couple of places on the seat box, then today i have been rubbing down and preparing the bonnet and bits and pieces
also took her out in the field, i had to jump start the quad so i thought why not,
so then i found a small bank so i could gently test that the suspension didnt clunk or bang or break on funny angles, and all seems to be ok :D
the only thing is that the rear really needs extended shocks aswell because it hits the end of the travel with loads of spring movement left, but thats something to play with in the future :D








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only had an hour or so in the workshop today, keep on being caught up in other jobs :mad:

going to try and get more done after school this week though

anyway, ive just trimmed up the passenger door, tightened the seat belt roller whatever you call them :D and then etched, and primed the bonnet

now you may have guessed that you can find pretty much anything in the back of my dads workshop,
another good one is the foam that i have put inbetween the door skin and the chequer plate door cards, a long story short is that my dad used to run a factory that supplied a lot of companies in the aerospace industry, he made all sorts of things for all sorts of planes, but this foam is left over from making the pilots seat armrests in the concorde, is that cool or what??!! :D so thats my landy's clame to fame :D ;)





will keep you posted :)
well weries 3 arent well known for their speed so really we need all the help we can get

the reason i wanted another series is partly due to the fact when i had my last one it was a rough and ready ride but i developed a verry strong back and upper body strength with there being no power steering itll be interesting to see if it happens again or will i end up a cripple by the time i hit 40 lol :rolleyes::rolleyes:
well weries 3 arent well known for their speed so really we need all the help we can get

the reason i wanted another series is partly due to the fact when i had my last one it was a rough and ready ride but i developed a verry strong back and upper body strength with there being no power steering itll be interesting to see if it happens again or will i end up a cripple by the time i hit 40 lol :rolleyes::rolleyes:

40 I remember being 40, I think :(
my backs fooked, but m arms have grown a fair bit since i put a smaller steering wheel on mine. saying that, my backs probably ****ed from farming more than driving a series
i just remember about a month into getting me first series when laning learning to let be lower back move more loosely with the wallowing and rocking the series used to do when rutting with noticeable results in avoiding a sore back the next morning

i also noticed i could lift a hell of a lot more weight than before owning the landy

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