
Cutting some big full fat washers

15mm hole drilled

Oversized washers cut, which can be sanded down to size

The patterns are screwed down ready to cut

And they look good. A bit hot but I'll check them against the paper patterns after a cuppa.
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Put the double bends in, didn't make any real change in length so cut the next one's without allowing extra

And I like the finish from the cutter, not much filing will be needed to get a lovely smooth finish

Moving against the wooden former defo made for a much more consistent machined like finish, rather than my hand drawn wonky lines lol
Really need the holes in very precise locations to maintain the positioning with the make shift jig.
Some holes just aren't in the middle of a thing originally

So this must be remade as original

Having to make some adjustments to get the 15mm hanger hole to the right location, before welding the washer on and the machining it.
Same story with other outside dumb irons too

But insides are almost done

I'm going to go with your suggestion Bruce thanks, and stamp the re-fabricated part with the original chassis number.

Found some very close to original size and aerial font, as above, and which look identical to the original font.
Just shaping the thick washers, then they can sail get welded on finished and the irons'll be done

There is two different thicknesses to make

Then weld to the, the foot, if that's what it's called, or heel.
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I'm really regretting using my Italian planishing hammer to help shape the ends, as it's left marks in the steel that won't come out

The culprit

Just going to have to carefully weld em
Have numbered all the bolts keeping the positions of the dumb irons in the correct position

So the replacements go in the correct location to within a mm or better.
The replacements are all ready to fit

The idea is to count the number of turns each nut is on, to get the new part bang on.
I'll write them down, and have marked the top dead centre of the numbered nuts also.
Fingers crossed it works. Really want to get all these new bits welded on

The letter/number punch set arrive next week, I suppose punching the iron once it's welded on place would be the best idea.
Did notice the original punching was not perfectly straight, which would suggest it was done by some guy in a flat cap smoking a pipe. I may have found him lol

Before welding all the repair section's I've made; I'll be measuring many times in three dimensions. Things always try and move a bit with the heat, so I'll be happier when it's done and in the right place.
You are making some good progress now. I’m sure it will be very satisfying making the parts rather than buy them :)
Yes it's very satisfying to actually be making the first steps to move forward after a false start and having to do it again.
Fingers are crossed
Test fitting, need to cut the N/S replacement chassis leg so it fits like a jigsaw bit together without unnecessary gaps.
The idea is that a staggered join should give a stronger join.

Got the crossmember held in place with s teacher strap, to have an idea of fit

Was getting worried it may have been too close to the dumb irons

But it seems happy enough.
Things seem to be lining up ok too

Which is a huge relief

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