Got the mounting plates front and rear blasted, treated, painted and baked ready to go. Unfortunately still awaiting the topcoat from arc-rite for the axle.
My extractor on the blast cabinet also went pop tonight so can't blast any more till I fix it.
On the bright side I managed to get a set of genuine -10 big end bearings delivered today at half the normal price. Still looking for mains at a reasonable price
I'd recommend clear fuel lines <snippety snip > length of split conduit to protect it once I was happy the fuel system was good.

Hitachi do this on their diggers - but use a braided nylon reinforced PVC hose inside the conduit as you mention...

If it's good enough on a digger, then ....:)
Got the front axle case fully painted and mounted on the vehicle, shocks also fitted. Just need to give the flanges a quick clean up after painting and I can start fitting out the axle and torquing everything up.
Then onto the rear, this is partially cleaned up and just needs finished and painted.
Cleaned up the front diff tonight, when the rust treatment has dried I'll start the painting to get it ready to fit.
Changed the input seal, the old one was a complete bugger to get out and seemed to be some sort of felt seal in brass?
It feels like 90% of the work rebuilding a Landrover is cleaning and painting!:confused:

The diff bearings and gears look fine to me with all the teeth being in good unworn condition, probably cos the vehicle has free wheeling hubs attached. Backlash was 8 thou and at the end of the acceptable range so I ain't doing anything to it than the thorough blast with brake cleaner than I did.
I expect the erar migh be more worn but I'll see about that when I get to it.
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Diff had all its coats of paint now, just awaiting it to cure and then I'll fit it.

Put the bushes in the NOS swivels ready to fit, then thought I had better recover the two drive shaft bearings from the hubs, buggeration cos I found that both hubs had been completely empty of oil or grease, one of them so dry the bearing is gubbed. The drive shaft UJ on that side was gubbed as well but I had been intending on fitting NOS UJ's which I already had here so no biggy. Looks like £100+ plus of shaft bearings needed though, won't use any britcrap parts where NOS are available, particularly things that are so far inside to replace easily.


NOS swivels fitted with Timken bearings ready to go as soon as I get the new shaft bearings
Hi Bruce, avidly following your progress. Can you make sure to document the removal and fitting of the 'Halfshaft Collar' and the bearing race 'cause I have that to do in a week or two. Thanks, appreciate the time it takes to photograph the work as it's being done.....
appreciate the time it takes to photograph the work as it's being done.....
More the mucky hands:D
The bearings and collars are on order from Blanchards, should be here on wed or so. I do have a cunning plan to get them off and back on after thinking about it today.
Fitted the diff to the front axle and the oil seals today so as soon as the bearings arrive the swivel balls can go on.

Got the halfshafts split today ready for cleaning up and rebuild, the "dry and rusty " side took the 6 ton press to get the spider bearings out rather than the rubber mallet for the oily side ones as they were solidly rusted in.:(
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Hi Bruce, avidly following your progress. Can you make sure to document the removal and fitting of the 'Halfshaft Collar' and the bearing race 'cause I have that to do in a week or two. Thanks, appreciate the time it takes to photograph the work as it's being done.....
I found a youtube video by a guy called steamwally which looks workable at home. Land Rover Series Front Axle Overhaul - Part 4 - YouTube without the special tools.
The only thing I can see going wrong is that once the collars cool they are likely to shrink and have a slight gap between them, the press should take care of that if needed.
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I got all the bits this morning (have learned never to destroy anything until you have the bits in your hand) Tried the grinder on the halfshafts as per the video, worked fine and all collars off in 5mins. Only one tiny nick with the grinder :oops:
Need to clean up the shafts and the preservative off the collars and have a go heating and installing but easy enough so far.


The first collar needed ground almost to the shaft and a whack round with a chisel got it loose. The second only needed a bit of a grind to heat it up and then they knocked off easily with a tap or two. The cone is already loose and just held by the other two.
So far so good. Bit of a clean up and then I'll start thinking about assembling again.
Went out after dinner and about 40mins later all on. I just heated them to about 100-110C with the blowtorch using an infrared thermometer to monitor and then just picked them up in a leather glove and dropped them on, all apart one went right on to the bottom. After each one went on and while still hot I used a spacer and a bit of short tube to tap them gently while they cooled to stop gaps appearing between each part. all now on solid.
T'was a doddle. Just need to give them a quick clean and polish and I can start assembling the spiders.
Bearings also in the swivel balls so I can assemble these onto the axle tomorrow.
Bloody usual two steps forward one step back, getting out the seals and retainers ready for putting on the axle tomorrow so I can fit the swivel balls I only go and nick one of the seals cutting open the bag, cue another order to Blanchards tonight for odds and sods including a new seal:mad:
Halfshafts now fully assembled with new spiders and put by till after the swivels are complete.
Just awaiting a new extract fan to turn up for the blast cabinet so I can clean up the rest of the front axle parts for paint, it blew up last week and the replacement isn't here yet!:confused:
Might as well make the wife happy the next few days while waiting for parts, she wants me to continue building the new utility room so if I do some of that for a day or two I can get out to the workshop to play for a little while later in the week without too much aggro:eek:
Little bit of progress but not a lot. Got the seals and bearings and fitted the swivel balls to the axle. Unfortunately knackered my back bending down to do it (I have a dodgy back at the best of times that catches me a couple of times a year when I twist the wrong way) so not only did I not get brownie points continuing with the kitchen build I have been also able to do little on the Landrover as well.
Stripped both hubs standing at the bench and ordered the various seals and parts needed but can't do too much about cleaning and assembling at the mo. :confused:
Got my two hub bearing/seal kits for the front hubs today, was tickled to find a note inside each box of bearings and bits which was dated 1985, which was when they were made.
I love genuine NOS parts:D
I hope they were hand written too, priceless lol.
Hope your back is recovering quickly. This cold wet weather doesn't help with working outdoors either.
Got the gearbox removable crossmember last week, lovely lady with a rare early Defender Pick-Up/ Flat bed landy.
I will need to fabricate the mounts on the Chassis legs, and pics of how they should be welcome.
No rush as I've a little C1 stuck in the garage waiting for a new sill repair panel, and I'll look back over your posts to
see if there's any good pictures of the mounting brackets on the Chassis legs too.
It's looking good, do you use Hylomar Universal Blue for assembly ?
RTV used rather than hylomar, i had it and it works as well if not better. If you need a specific picof a part its not a big problem to do so
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Bit of hiatus, sore back for a couple of weeks, then away to orkney for a week diving then OU assignments all this week. If it wasn't for work getting in the way all other times I could get on with the Landy:D
Hopefully normal service next week when I can finish blasting and painting the swivel housings and get them, the halfshafts and the hubs on the front axle. Then onto the back and get this one done and on.
Looking into parts for the gearbox and overdrive as the next job, anybody recommend a good rebuild kit from anywhere with good quality seals and bearings?
I was looking at this and trying to find good quality marked bearings like SKF or the like.
I want bearings with the makers name marked look them, so I know they're not from the East.
Also you will want a separate kit for the transfer box too.
I bought a special tool for the special night on the end of the mainshaft, but you may not need it if you have an overdrive fitted.
If the gears and syncromesh are in fine shape it's so worth doing, but rebuild kits for the transfer and overdrive can be quite pricy I've heard.
I'll be rebuilding my Suffix B box which will need a syncromesh, but hopefully not much else other than bearings and seals and a gasket set, but the Suffix A box in my 88 was going to need so many new gears, it wasn't viable for me to rebuild as the parts add up to more than a rebuilt box.
It still drives fine though, don't think a modern box could still drive with so many broken teeth !
Not much more satisfying than having rebuilt your own gearbox through, how sad am I lol

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