Just to be safer than sorry I am sending the previous keeper a letter, what do you think of this?

"RE: Landrover Series 2a
Dear .....,
I am writing to you regarding a Land Rover Series 2a which has been left on land inherited by myself. This land was part of the old Braintree Motor Club and has been unused for many years.
I have recently applied for the V5 of the Land Rover as it has been left on the land for approximately 10 years+. I felt it would be morally correct to contact you prior to removing the vehicle from the land to restore as my own vehicle.
Please would you contact me in writing by 1st March 2013 to agree for me to claim ownership. Please note that if I do not receive any communication I will accept that you have agreed for this to happen.
Sincerely, ..."

after the 1st march I will crack on!
Why bother? If random does claim to be owner after sorting it then say you owe me x amount for repairs, xx for labour and xxx for storage. Aint gonna happen owner is probbably brown bread anyway or minted enough to leave motors lying around in braintree.
Why bother? If random does claim to be owner after sorting it then say you owe me x amount for repairs, xx for labour and xxx for storage. Aint gonna happen owner is probbably brown bread anyway or minted enough to leave motors lying around in braintree.
Too right! Id bet the 5k OP will never hear from them.
Probably wont ever hear anything, but job peed off would you be if you spent thousands restoring it in your own time for yourself and somebody else came along and claimed it!?

Send the letter recorded delivery and keep the receipt safe. That's your proof of trying to contact the former owner and will cover you.
Just to be safer than sorry I am sending the previous keeper a letter, what do you think of this?

"RE: Landrover Series 2a
Dear .....,
I am writing to you regarding the remains of a Land Rover Series 2a which has been left on land inherited by myself. This land was part of the old Braintree Motor Club and has been unused for many years.
I have recently applied for the V5 of the Land Rover as it has been left on the land for approximately 10 years+. I felt it would be morally correct to contact you prior to removing the vehicle from the land to restore as my own vehicle.
Please would you contact me in writing by 1st March 2013 to agree for me to claim ownership. Please note that if I do not receive any communication I will accept that you have agreed for me to dispose of this vehicle as I see fit.this to happen.
Sincerely, ..."

after the 1st march I will crack on!

Take out the bits in red, they're unnecessary and may confuse the issue. Add the bit in blue. Now it will just look as if you wish to clear your land and doesn't give the previous owner the idea that the Landy might be worth anything.
i no if council put a this will be removed in seven days ticket on the vech and dont remove it with in 7 days then its fair game to anyone made £900 quid on a cav dumped outside father in laws. plus manged to set fire to mate and garden when cutting it up lol

Probably wont ever hear anything, but job peed off would you be if you spent thousands restoring it in your own time for yourself and somebody else came along and claimed it!?

Send the letter recorded delivery and keep the receipt safe. That's your proof of trying to contact the former owner and will cover you.

No it wont. "I tried to contact you before taking ya motor but heard nothing so took it anyway" is not gonna wash anywhere. No ones ever gonna claim it
No it wont. "I tried to contact you before taking ya motor but heard nothing so took it anyway" is not gonna wash anywhere. No ones ever gonna claim it

So what your saying is if I said to you I posted a letter you would take my word for it?

No... At least with proof of posting a letter to the previous owner there is a way of proving you actually sent it. Better than having fook all!
So what your saying is if I said to you I posted a letter you would take my word for it?

No... At least with proof of posting a letter to the previous owner there is a way of proving you actually sent it. Better than having fook all!

Thats not wot im saying. Im saying the letter is worth less. It wont stand up in court cos of the phrase in inverted commas above. Proof of postage is solid. Proof of postage of something thats worthless is just extra litter to clutter up ya gaff with.
No it wont. "I tried to contact you before taking ya motor but heard nothing so took it anyway" is not gonna wash anywhere. No ones ever gonna claim it

That is not what he is saying..... He is saying " your vehicle is on my land. Before I dispose of it, I have tried to contact you. I am within my right to dispose of it to recover my land. If you do not reply, within a certain time, then this letter will be deemed proof that I have tried to contact you prior to disposal".
That is not what he is saying..... He is saying " your vehicle is on my land. Before I dispose of it, I have tried to contact you. I am within my right to dispose of it to recover my land. If you do not reply, within a certain time, then this letter will be deemed proof that I have tried to contact you prior to disposal".

It effectively is wot is sayong. And dvla have done this already. Would bother. Aint worth a stamp
That is not what he is saying..... He is saying " your vehicle is on my land. Before I dispose of it, I have tried to contact you. I am within my right to dispose of it to recover my land. If you do not reply, within a certain time, then this letter will be deemed proof that I have tried to contact you prior to disposal".

so its getting scrapped to clear space in the woods for the trees then not getting restored and used...:confused:
I said "disposed of". Leaves the disposition up to the landowner. He could sell it to recover storage costs or consider that it is "goods in lieu of".

The end result will be more woodland space.
Special delivery on a letter means it gets returned to you if its undeliverable, unopened. This stands up legally as uncontactable as I have got websites closed down on this basis with NOMINET, the internet governing body. Bottom line, the police or the DVLA will not get involved in any legal wrangling over ownership as its a Civil matter, they are only converned with who is using it so they can send tickets to them. Hence why when you buy a new car on finance, the car remains the property of the finance company, but you are the registered 'keeper'.
Well I got a reply from the guy and he said its mine! He also said he got a letter from the Dvla also asking the same thing, he said he sold it too a local scrap yard that my uncle owns, I did a hpi check and it was never reported scrapped so happy days! I have decided to sell it on tho as I'm after a few more creature comforts than the series 2 can provide :(

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