Ere Pikey.........What time you leaving?

Picking me niece up from just round the corner from you..................8ish?
Try this site it'll convert grid refs Lat/Long etc etc to a postcode and vice ie versa

UK Grid Reference Finder just enter street name or GR lat etc and it'll go the rest for you.

I cheated, got a couple of PM's with postcode so :p

But fanks. :D

Rubbish! I once did Coleshill to the meet point (our office is just round the corner) in 2hrs 45mins in an artic using the Fosse Way route.:your_wrong:

Postcode SP8 4WE puts you in the ball park about ten mins away without giving away the exact location

Thats just what google said.

Ill let ya know how long it takes me :p

Thanks all. :)
According to the RAC route planner, it's 2hrs 40min for me.

So, I is allowing 4hrs........
Ere Pikey.........What time you leaving?

Picking me niece up from just round the corner from you..................8ish?

yeah about that. I did offer to meet the south weserners at Vagina ash pub on the A30 but no buggers said they wanna meet up. So fook em.. :(
It's 2hours and 7mins for me but I am meeting at fleet services with a few others, which reminds me I don't know the meeting point so does any know where it is that's meeting at fleet?? So I can follow.

Have to leave my house at 5am to get to fleet and have a little rest before we go again.
me and a cupla others are meeting at fleet services... i think there's gonna be a handful of us so should be ok between us!

Found someone with a CB and mine works :D was parked a whole 10 metres away... gonna get a gutter mount though so I get better range though :D
It's 2hours and 7mins for me but I am meeting at fleet services with a few others, which reminds me I don't know the meeting point so does any know where it is that's meeting at fleet?? So I can follow.

Have to leave my house at 5am to get to fleet and have a little rest before we go again.

I'll be at Fleet for 7am and know the meeting point so just follow me.
I know a group of us are meeting at Fleet but are we picking up any others along the way? Last time we left Fleet then headed towards the Wheatsheaf on the A303 where we met MHM and a few others followed by meeting up with another group at Solstice services and drove in convoy to the start point, is this the same again?
I know a group of us are meeting at Fleet but are we picking up any others along the way? Last time we left Fleet then headed towards the Wheatsheaf on the A303 where we met MHM and a few others followed by meeting up with another group at Solstice services and drove in convoy to the start point, is this the same again?

JP is picking up some waifs and strays on the way- (that'd be me :eek: ) - think we met bods last time at Solstice, more by accident than design, but he's sorting and I'm following so I'll do as I'm told :D

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