Hi fett, I actually span the pump up already so I know it has oil in it ready to go. I will set the timing as best I can by eye then fire it up and straight up to 2.5k etc assuming the oil light goes out. Whilst I get an assistant to hold the revs I will check the timing to make sure it's got acceptable advance, and then yep it's just a case of keeping it running, and whilst doing so we can sort out the part full cooling system etc.

Will have to cut the video fairly soon after it gets running as we will both need to be on the job then, plus nobody needs a half hour video!! :p

Also yes thanks I will give it a few primes first to get rid of all the air in the rail etc.

Neighbours will have to deal with it because it's gonna be a late one :D

Thanks for the tips :)

er I beg to differ :D
might be worth spinning it up with the drill once its in, I know its pain but who knows where the oil drained to when you tilted it in etc

It went it but not without a battle:


We had to flatten the tyres to get just enough room to come over the body:


And then after around an hour struggling to engage the input shaft into the spigot bush, and then the workshop lights blowing half way through which took us an hour to remedy, it finally ended up nestled:


Unfortunately no running tonight fellas :(

Still needs alternator, radiator and the whole cooling system rigging up. This job has seriously killed me out over last couple weeks and I simply cannot carry on tonight, bed required.

Will resume tomorrow :)

Thanks for tuning in :)
Yawn! Back to work! :eek:

Will get the bugger running today and then my god am I looking forward to some lie-ins this weekend!!!!!
It's getting tantalisingly close now!!

Obvious things - I always miss them....

New air filter - no point in doing all this work and getting a load of crud that you have disturbed in the manifold as soon as you start.

I'm guessing that it doesn't have an oil cooler but if it does I'd purge that of oil to make sure you get as much of the old oil out as possible.

Looking forward to the 30min video!
yeah me too, well done noisy. You have a good workshop there! thats one big split in your tire bud lol.

Cant wait!
Last big push now sam, nearly there , fingers crossed for ya... all will come good.:) its looking very fresh , in that engine bay, be a shame to get it dirty...

In order:

It has a k&n filter which i regularly shake out so should be ok!

No oil cooler but thanks anyway!

Not sure about 30 min video but let's see how the first 30 seconds go first!

Workshop is great, couldn't have done any of it without being able to use the space at work!

Yes that is one of many ridiculous tyre cuts!

Thanks Jim, **** yeah it's taken a bit of graft but not too bad in the scheme of things!

Ok going to pour some coolant in now and get the oil and fuel primed up!


It will be running by 5pm!
Next question! :D

What ignition timing????

I always ran about 12 degrees on the old engine cos it ran better that way but the new one maybe I should stick to book? The Haynes says 0 degrees at idle...
well done ,nice feeling when it all works ,i usually set at 6 degrees,but you cant really tell what suits it best till you run down the road
Set it to 6 already cos I had a feeling that was the best bet, so yeah will run it at that for a while then when it's run in I'll tune it up a bit better :)

fooking brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where did u get the manifold? did u have it before, if so did you notice any difference ?
thanks fellas!!!

exhaust manifold??

they are hedman headers, not expensive new tbh, around 250 i think, but i picked them up on ebay for 120 used. perfect condition though.

i then had a custom 2.5" Y pipe to 2.5" full system made, with a 19"x5" round glasspack centre silencer.

yes noticeable difference, more eager midrange and noticeably less strangled at the top end. hopefully it will make even better results on this new engine! :)

just went out and did a 5 mile trip, feels all good :) :)
Hi bud, well done , she sounds good at idle. I would have said 6 degrees too so thats a consensus there mate. try not to labour it untill those rings have bedded in and obviously dont rev it to high either lol.

So glad its worked out well so far :D
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hi fett

yes i am trying to keep it between 1500 and 2500 with light throttle and keeping it in the right gear so there's minimal loading on the engine.

yeah it's nice and quiet, the tappet noise i was having has gone, also the exhaust note is different, i think basically you can tell it is opening the valves further becuase it just sounds that bit more vocal.

thanks mate :)
Top man... really pleased its all come good. did sound really sweet and smooth on idle. Time to get some miles on the beast then.:)

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