plus more oil floating on the water behind it :p

what you have to remember with the real seagulls the biggest one was 51/2 hp , now if you compare it to another 5hp motor its not bad all be it a reverse gear might have been handy. the good thing is with that high tourqe low revving prop it would push a bigger load than most , partucuarly for the time. bit pricey on two stroke oil at a 10:1 mix though :D
yeah perhaps i've only seen the smaller motors in action...

i remember they used to oil slick the water up more than others though, 10:1 explains it. i think our 4 horse mercury ran 50:1 or was it 100:1 ?

plenty of 4 stroke motors around now though too.

like you say JM you can't beat the old stuff, so much more character :D
the one I was refering too was so choked up in the waterways when we took the head off you could not see any, I mean none- we thought it didnt have any. after a clean out with drills there were 8 exposed and we cleaned out the hole to the outlet too. all caked up and still running till it cooked, the cool it and do it all over again, the bloke had been doing that for a year and it still hadnt killed it lol
What are you lot talking about??? Am i too young? Sounds a lot of fun and feel like I'm missing out.

If its similar I've rebuilt a 1957 Fordson tractor that had obviously been running on 3 cylinders for a considerable period of time and was none the worse for it.

And didn't have to cut or drill a single bolt out when I rebuilt the engine. Fantastic.

There it is folks, ready to fit :)
Oh an notice I have ditched the dodgy & expensive water pump tensioner, have fitted a suitable length belt instead :)
Starter will have to go in once its in James, because I think it will foul on headers which are still fitted in the car. I removed engine mounts and starter and because of the shape I was able to lift it up and clear the headers without removing them. I think the starter will make it more awkward maybe!

And yes Jim don't worry videos will come tomorrow, hopefully including v8 noise and lots of smiles not tears! :eek:

Cheers! :)
Yep, certainly will! It would be much more straightforward of I didn't have to worry amount scratching the engine!!!! :D

Anyway let's get some sleep in preparation for a late night tomorrow!

Ciao :)
Morning all!

Another question please, does anyone recommend any particular lubricant on the spigot shaft, the splines or the outer sleeve that the release bearing rides on...?

I need to fit the old spigot bush to the new crank, I believe I knock that in dry, but then should I be lubricating the bush/splines?

In past I have used a bit of copper grease but it seems to have fully dried up by the time the box has been out again (various cars) so I'm wondering if lithium grease or petroleum jelly might be a better option?
looks good, cant wait for the vids buddy. make sure you have plenty of space on the memory card and we want to see all attempts. :D
Pffft! :p

I need to talk about this actually.

I was planning a spin over without fuel to build oil pressure and check ignition timing, so that when I add fuel I can fire it up and run straight up to 2000-2500rpm for 15 minutes.

BUT I'm not sure if its safe to turn it over on the starter because I might wear out the cam.

Tbh I'm concerned that ive worn the cam by turning the engine over by hand!!

So yeah if we can decide on what the best procedure is I'll make sure it all gets video'd.

Thanks :)
if you have packed the pump with vasaline I would spin it over through the dizzy hole with a leccy drill to get lots of pressure built up then quick as you can dizzy in and fire up and like you say vary revs between 2-3k for half an hour. neighbours will love that if its another late night session :p

btw cant rember if I said but but leave ignotion on for a while before you start to get the fuel pressure up :D
Hi fett, I actually span the pump up already so I know it has oil in it ready to go. I will set the timing as best I can by eye then fire it up and straight up to 2.5k etc assuming the oil light goes out. Whilst I get an assistant to hold the revs I will check the timing to make sure it's got acceptable advance, and then yep it's just a case of keeping it running, and whilst doing so we can sort out the part full cooling system etc.

Will have to cut the video fairly soon after it gets running as we will both need to be on the job then, plus nobody needs a half hour video!! :p

Also yes thanks I will give it a few primes first to get rid of all the air in the rail etc.

Neighbours will have to deal with it because it's gonna be a late one :D

Thanks for the tips :)
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