Unfortunately chaps i've ****ed my dad off summit cronic and am currently without a co driver, I know being without a passenger isn't an issue but I need to pull my head out of my ass and sort my stupidty before I commit to saturday, I know he won't be there but I wanna get him back on side before I say i'll be there for definate, hope I don't dissapoint you not having a pair of newbies to laugh at anymore, but will let you all know by friday.
where everyone meeting? south side of the plains or more towards Andover way?

My disco is ready for play...just need the feckin turbo air inlet hose!!
or drive around with no turbo...
[JP];895729 said:
where everyone meeting? south side of the plains or more towards Andover way?

My disco is ready for play...just need the feckin turbo air inlet hose!!
or drive around with no turbo...

PM on its way to you
I think this is the correct and updated list for saturday :D

If i've got it wrong please copy the updated list and post..bear in mind i've just got in after a days work and takin devil baby swimming :blabla:

Big Jon
i heard Pikey had some new rubber??

Insa turbo Stolen Untrackables :D

Yup got a set of insa sahara's course there int gonna be a lot of sand around on Saturday So fook knows how they'll be..

Also done me breathers one was split at the union, and the rear axle one only went as far as the top of the AFrame. :mad: and got some wading plugs, So me noo clutch mite last a bit longer now.
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got work in the morning but may might take a drive over in the afternoon. I will bring the freelander and try not to let the doors fall off.
looks like im gonna have to drop out :mad::mad::mad:

something loose in the front hub, its rattly and wobbly so guess im fixing that in the morning :mad::mad::mad:

if its done in time il try and head over in the afternoon
sorry to hear that mate :(

its the drivers side this time, got a feeling the hub nut wasnt tight enough and its spinning with the locking nut. sure ive seen this before :doh: only just got back from a 15 hour day so cant even go an look at it now, so ****ed off you wouldnt believe!!

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