mr mac


A few of us from Essex are looking to visit Salisbury next month to do a bit of green laneing and also to take a look at a few of the sites.

we have gps and all the maps but it seams to be a mine field when it come to this area and I'm more confused than ever over a route to take.

Can any one help with where and what to do in Salisbury/ Wiltshire


go careful and plan your routes well!

Wardens know where you are all the time and sometimes have a policeman in the passenger seat if the mod have a big practice on.
Most byways well marked with signposts on the ground, if there is an area that is in danger of anything explosive, will be well patrolled and marked.
You don't have to go onto the Plain there is plenty around the edge that is at least as interesting. Navigation is also easier off the Plain because there are more land marks and the MOD haven't added their own routes and tracks to confuse you at junctions :)

As said above all the byways are signed posted as "Byway"; althought those that change from tarmac to byway are only sign posted at the point they change classification not nessacarily from the side of the main road (if you get my meaning)

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