
This article has landed in my inbox from another motor club I frequent....
a short article in this month's MG Enthusiast magazine.
"A Lancashire Rover specialist in Preston has been found guilty of
keeping controlled waste on his premises without a waste management licence"
"This is yet another case of British authorities applying European
legislation to the letter instead of using common sense".
"While the absurdity of this was discussed in court the jury still
decided to favour of the Environmental Agency (EA) and found Terry
Brown of the Freckleton Rover Centre guilty"- he received the minimum
fine of £500 and fortunately did not receive the bill of £12,500 towards
the EA legal costs.
This obviously has wide reaching implications to those in the club who
keep partly dismantled MGs on their premises.
Brief advice that might mitigate any claim against them -
-Keep premises as tidy as possible
-keep vehicles under cover if possible
-it will not apply to vehicles with an MOT
-If MOT expired - keep vehicle as complete as possible - wheels on -
tyres inflated - -notice in windscreen saying ' DVLA registered/SORN
No guarantee against some jobsworth official but it may help.

Don't upset your local curtain twitcher!!!!!!!!!!

"Landnurse" wrote...
> This article has landed in my inbox from another motor club I frequent....
> a short article in this month's MG Enthusiast magazine.
> "A Lancashire Rover specialist in Preston has been found guilty of keeping
> controlled waste on his premises without a waste management licence"
> "This is yet another case of British authorities applying European
> legislation to the letter instead of using common sense".
> "While the absurdity of this was discussed in court the jury still decided
> to favour of the Environmental Agency (EA) and found Terry Brown of the
> Freckleton Rover Centre guilty"- he received the minimum fine of £500 and
> fortunately did not receive the bill of £12,500 towards the EA legal
> costs.
> This obviously has wide reaching implications to those in the club who
> keep partly dismantled MGs on their premises.
> Brief advice that might mitigate any claim against them -
> -Keep premises as tidy as possible
> -keep vehicles under cover if possible
> -it will not apply to vehicles with an MOT
> -If MOT expired - keep vehicle as complete as possible - wheels on - tyres
> inflated - -notice in windscreen saying ' DVLA registered/SORN declared'.
> No guarantee against some jobsworth official but it may help.
> Don't upset your local curtain twitcher!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, but what was Terry Brown guilty of? What had he done? You haven't said.

Bob H
17mls W. of London.UK

Bob Hobden wrote:

> "Landnurse" wrote...
>>This article has landed in my inbox from another motor club I frequent....
>>a short article in this month's MG Enthusiast magazine.
>>"A Lancashire Rover specialist in Preston has been found guilty of keeping
>>controlled waste on his premises without a waste management licence"
>>"This is yet another case of British authorities applying European
>>legislation to the letter instead of using common sense".
>>"While the absurdity of this was discussed in court the jury still decided
>>to favour of the Environmental Agency (EA) and found Terry Brown of the
>>Freckleton Rover Centre guilty"- he received the minimum fine of £500 and
>>fortunately did not receive the bill of £12,500 towards the EA legal
>>This obviously has wide reaching implications to those in the club who
>>keep partly dismantled MGs on their premises.
>>Brief advice that might mitigate any claim against them -
>>-Keep premises as tidy as possible
>>-keep vehicles under cover if possible
>>-it will not apply to vehicles with an MOT
>>-If MOT expired - keep vehicle as complete as possible - wheels on - tyres
>>inflated - -notice in windscreen saying ' DVLA registered/SORN declared'.
>>No guarantee against some jobsworth official but it may help.
>>Don't upset your local curtain twitcher!!!!!!!!!!

> Yes, but what was Terry Brown guilty of? What had he done? You haven't said.

From another source....

The 'controlled waste' was 5 Rover SD1s which he kept on his property.
It was argued that they were 'waste' because their previous owners had
disposed of them as 'worn out, broken or otherwise spoiled'.
"Landnurse" <grant.jump@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in message news:Ckt0h.104987

> he received the minimum
> fine of £500 and fortunately did not receive the bill of £12,500 towards
> the EA legal costs.

With any luck the fact that the EA had to pay 25 times as much as the poor
beggar they prosecuted will make them think twice about such a stupid
prosecution next time. What a bunch of ****s we pay for with our taxes,
another example of the authorities going for the easy targets rather then
those who the legislation was designed to deal with.

On or around Fri, 27 Oct 2006 19:44:34 GMT, Landnurse
<grant.jump@blueyonder.co.uk> enlightened us thusly:


'tother day I had a sort-out at home and took 6 computer monitors/terminals
to the "refuse disposal amenity site" or whatever it's called this month.

Apparently, you can take one telly or one computer monitor, otherwise you
have to pay. bollox to 'em.

But, if I want to arse around, I can bring one per week - so I could dispose
of 50 per year, at that rate, if I wanted to arse around. If I wanted to
arse around more I could visit 6 sites in the county (I'm sure there are 6)
and dispose of them all the same day.

And they wonder why people fly-tip...
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
Too Busy: Your mind is like a motorway. Sometimes it can be jammed by
too much traffic. Avoid the jams by never using your mind on a
Bank Holiday weekend.
from the Little Book of Complete B***ocks by Alistair Beaton.
"Austin Shackles" <austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote in message

> And they wonder why people fly-tip...

Same stupid attitude around here, if you borrow a commercial vehicle to take
your domestic rubbish to the tip they argue with you and end up calling with
the police, take the same stuff in 5 car boot fulls and it's ok, except that
you make 5 times more pollution doing the 20 mile round trip 5 times. The
really annoying thing is that the police will indeed turn out to support
these little Hitlers, yet often won't for someone who has been burgled,
again down to the fact that they can chalk it up as a solved case which
dilutes the figures for the inevitably unsolved burglaries.


On 2006-10-28, Austin Shackles <austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote:

> Apparently, you can take one telly or one computer monitor, otherwise you
> have to pay. bollox to 'em.

This is usually all to stop people dumping industrial waste, they
don't trust their operatives to spot such things so they put daft
rules in place, which the operatives then don't enforce properly,
which I suppose vindicates the council's mistrust of them. My local
tip wouldn't let the pinz in until I appealed to the council as their
own rule leaflet that the operative handed me stated that if the
vehicle had seats or windows in the back (pinz has both) then it's
allowed in.

They're trying to stop people turning up in panelled vans, but if the
vehicle is a 4x4 then that means it's allowed in, so a landy van is
OK, small escort-based van isn't!

> And they wonder why people fly-tip...

I cut some trees down in my garden, I had a few comments about turning
up every weekend with a landy full of trees, it seems they're not
aware of how large a few trees can be.

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
"Ian Rawlings" <news06@tarcus.org.uk> wrote in message

> I cut some trees down in my garden, I had a few comments about turning
> up every weekend with a landy full of trees, it seems they're not
> aware of how large a few trees can be.

I don't think the ones at my local tip are aware of the difference between
certain parts of their own anatomy :cool:. I've had arguments about my Transit
based camper while gypos unload their white vans at the next skip...


In message <eb56k2hvds83ljt8agqstjfru9tjvm1l1e@4ax.com>
Austin Shackles <austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote:

> On or around Fri, 27 Oct 2006 19:44:34 GMT, Landnurse
> <grant.jump@blueyonder.co.uk> enlightened us thusly:
> [waste]
> 'tother day I had a sort-out at home and took 6 computer monitors/terminals
> to the "refuse disposal amenity site" or whatever it's called this month.
> Apparently, you can take one telly or one computer monitor, otherwise you
> have to pay. bollox to 'em.
> But, if I want to arse around, I can bring one per week - so I could dispose
> of 50 per year, at that rate, if I wanted to arse around. If I wanted to
> arse around more I could visit 6 sites in the county (I'm sure there are 6)
> and dispose of them all the same day.
> And they wonder why people fly-tip...

Stoke and Staffordshire Moorlands have a "one per year" policy -
and you have to give your name and address (or at least, *a* name
and address). It's utter madness - do they really think people
can't come up with a new address and consquently get some innocent
party a bill for disposing of more than one TV in a year.


www.beamends-lrspares.co.uk sales@beamends-lrspares.co.uk
www.radioparadise.com - Good Music, No Vine
Lib Dems - Townies keeping comedy alive
A classic tale of a few years back....Said self was doing some renovation
work on local council offices and requested a skip. "sorry, no place to put
one" was the reply, so i asked "what do i do with all the crap then?", reply
from stuffed shirt "Just take it to the local tip, we'll pay for any expense
incurred" so i duly filled the RR and the trailer and scooted on down to the
tip. Guess what! yes you've already guessed....No trade refuse sir! and no
amount of complaining or stating that it was THEIR rubbish would sway them.
So i duly returned to the offices and said, sorry, i cannot continue
refurbing the office as there is no room to work with all the rubbish and i
cannot dispose of it due to council red tape at the tip. The anguished reply
was that i had to, as they needed their offices finished for the end of the
holidays so left him to sort it whilst i "packed" all my tools. Well some
**** must have hit the fan as i was asked again to go with the rubbish and
ask for mr so-n-so. On arrival at the tip, i was ushered round to the back
where the red-faced asshole threatened me cos i had reported him. I said i
had done no such thing and furthermore, since you have threatened me, i will
now do so. Quick and humble apologies spouted and i was told to deposit the
rubbish over by the larger of the two skips. "Sorry mate, can't do that!"
why? cos its council property and i haven't been fully site inducted nor
informed about HSE matters so cannot legally work on site. Well, this had
him really ****ed and furthermore, he had to get two lads to empty the
trailer whilst i sat listening to the radio :)). This went on for 5 loads
and despite really feeling sorry for the ****, i decided to rub in the fact
that he should listen to the people who keep him in a job because if we all
fly-tipped, he would be unemployed and it was probably due to his
self-appointed arrogant manner and attitude that caused people to give the
tip a miss too. He later lost his job as he was caught selling the old
fridges and washing machines at the local scrapyard by a council office
employee who recognised him. He was also fined for violating the
environmental policies as he was dismantling the fridges and letting the
gases escape. So to all the local jackass employees who make life hell for
us mere mortals...be warned!


"Greg" <news@SPAM123voyager2.nildram.co.uk> wrote in message
> "Ian Rawlings" <news06@tarcus.org.uk> wrote in message
> news:slrnek68aj.ljp.news06@desktop.tarcus.org.uk...
>> I cut some trees down in my garden, I had a few comments about turning
>> up every weekend with a landy full of trees, it seems they're not
>> aware of how large a few trees can be.

> I don't think the ones at my local tip are aware of the difference between
> certain parts of their own anatomy :cool:. I've had arguments about my
> Transit
> based camper while gypos unload their white vans at the next skip...
> Greg

shows what total bollox the whole thing is I took some waste oil ( 20l from
full service ) to pour into the recycling bowser but Kato wont go under the
barrier Trafford having set an abitary 5'9 Disco=6'6 meanwhile the local
independants are emptying their L200, Hilux into the tip .

In message <g7GdnTqvBtYgtd7YnZ2dnUVZ8tidnZ2d@pipex.net>
"Greg" <news@SPAM123voyager2.nildram.co.uk> wrote:

> "Ian Rawlings" <news06@tarcus.org.uk> wrote in message
> news:slrnek68aj.ljp.news06@desktop.tarcus.org.uk...
> > I cut some trees down in my garden, I had a few comments about turning
> > up every weekend with a landy full of trees, it seems they're not
> > aware of how large a few trees can be.

> I don't think the ones at my local tip are aware of the difference between
> certain parts of their own anatomy :cool:. I've had arguments about my Transit
> based camper while gypos unload their white vans at the next skip...

Spend half an hour watching the bloke's cabin and the activity that
goes on........... let's just say at one tip here it's quite obvious
what's going on ;-)

> Greg


www.beamends-lrspares.co.uk sales@beamends-lrspares.co.uk
www.radioparadise.com - Good Music, No Vine
Lib Dems - Townies keeping comedy alive
> 'tother day I had a sort-out at home and took 6 computer
> monitors/terminals
> to the "refuse disposal amenity site" or whatever it's called this month.
> Apparently, you can take one telly or one computer monitor, otherwise you
> have to pay. bollox to 'em.
> But, if I want to arse around, I can bring one per week - so I could
> dispose
> of 50 per year, at that rate, if I wanted to arse around. If I wanted to
> arse around more I could visit 6 sites in the county (I'm sure there are
> 6)
> and dispose of them all the same day.
> And they wonder why people fly-tip...

The whole point of setting up these disposal sites in the first place was to
stop people fly tipping, now they put so many restrictions on them that many
people don't bother trying to fight the jobsworth attendants, and just dump
the stuff in any old spot they can find.

On Saturday, in article
news06@tarcus.org.uk "Ian Rawlings" wrote:

> On 2006-10-28, Austin Shackles <austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote:
> > Apparently, you can take one telly or one computer monitor, otherwise you
> > have to pay. bollox to 'em.

> This is usually all to stop people dumping industrial waste, they
> don't trust their operatives to spot such things so they put daft
> rules in place, which the operatives then don't enforce properly,
> which I suppose vindicates the council's mistrust of them. My local
> tip wouldn't let the pinz in until I appealed to the council as their
> own rule leaflet that the operative handed me stated that if the
> vehicle had seats or windows in the back (pinz has both) then it's
> allowed in.
> They're trying to stop people turning up in panelled vans, but if the
> vehicle is a 4x4 then that means it's allowed in, so a landy van is
> OK, small escort-based van isn't!

Locally, North Lincolnshire, they have a permit system for vans. It
works pretty well to distinguish Land Rover users from a trademan.

If you check over on uk.business.agriculture, you'll find mention of how
the UK implementation of the EU rules is getting holes punched in it by
the courts. But 5 cars on a property, all apparently "scrap", does seem
to be something that could have been prosecuted by the council under old
rules. But the costs come from a different budget.

David G. Bell -- SF Fan, Filker, and Punslinger.

"I am Number Two," said Penfold. "You are Number Six."
In message <EcCdnZOmzKHBt97YnZ2dnUVZ8qCdnZ2d@giganews.com>
lifeis@howl.com wrote:

> A classic tale of a few years back....Said self was doing some renovation
> work on local council offices and requested a skip. "sorry, no place to put
> one" was the reply, so i asked "what do i do with all the crap then?", reply
> from stuffed shirt "Just take it to the local tip, we'll pay for any expense
> incurred" so i duly filled the RR and the trailer and scooted on down to the
> tip. Guess what! yes you've already guessed....No trade refuse sir! and no
> amount of complaining or stating that it was THEIR rubbish would sway them.
> So i duly returned to the offices and said, sorry, i cannot continue
> refurbing the office as there is no room to work with all the rubbish and i
> cannot dispose of it due to council red tape at the tip. The anguished reply
> was that i had to, as they needed their offices finished for the end of the
> holidays so left him to sort it whilst i "packed" all my tools. Well some
> **** must have hit the fan as i was asked again to go with the rubbish and
> ask for mr so-n-so. On arrival at the tip, i was ushered round to the back
> where the red-faced asshole threatened me cos i had reported him. I said i
> had done no such thing and furthermore, since you have threatened me, i will
> now do so. Quick and humble apologies spouted and i was told to deposit the
> rubbish over by the larger of the two skips. "Sorry mate, can't do that!"
> why? cos its council property and i haven't been fully site inducted nor
> informed about HSE matters so cannot legally work on site. Well, this had
> him really ****ed and furthermore, he had to get two lads to empty the
> trailer whilst i sat listening to the radio :)). This went on for 5 loads
> and despite really feeling sorry for the ****, i decided to rub in the fact
> that he should listen to the people who keep him in a job because if we all
> fly-tipped, he would be unemployed and it was probably due to his
> self-appointed arrogant manner and attitude that caused people to give the
> tip a miss too. He later lost his job as he was caught selling the old
> fridges and washing machines at the local scrapyard by a council office
> employee who recognised him. He was also fined for violating the
> environmental policies as he was dismantling the fridges and letting the
> gases escape. So to all the local jackass employees who make life hell for
> us mere mortals...be warned!
> Wolfie

You know what *really* gets me about that story? The fact that
someone could pull strings so you could tip there at all!
Surely, it's either *no* trade waste, or *all* trade waste -
why do the council get special treatment? A least it explains
why they don't seem to live in the real world - because they

www.beamends-lrspares.co.uk sales@beamends-lrspares.co.uk
www.radioparadise.com - Good Music, No Vine
Lib Dems - Townies keeping comedy alive
"SimonJ" <me@mine.net> wrote in message

> The whole point of setting up these disposal sites in the first place was

> stop people fly tipping, now they put so many restrictions on them that

> people don't bother trying to fight the jobsworth attendants, and just

> the stuff in any old spot they can find.

The long approach road to the Scarborough tip is a classic example of that,
turned away from the civic site people just drive over the bridge and dump
the stuff beside the road, it all ends up in the same place but employs more
council workers picking it up!.

> You know what *really* gets me about that story? The fact that
> someone could pull strings so you could tip there at all!
> Surely, it's either *no* trade waste, or *all* trade waste -
> why do the council get special treatment? A least it explains
> why they don't seem to live in the real world - because they
> arn't!

Its not no trade waste, you can dump trade waste if you pay.
In this case it seems that they eventually took the sensible way out, and
decided that as the council paid for running the tip in the first place,
there is no point charging themselves to tip their own waste.

On 2006-10-28, beamendsltd <beamendsltd@btconnect.com> wrote:

> Spend half an hour watching the bloke's cabin and the activity that
> goes on........... let's just say at one tip here it's quite obvious
> what's going on ;-)

At my local tip, you turn up and dump something off and you can see
the employees flogging it to someone for a quid.

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
On 2006-10-28, "David G. Bell" <dbell@zhochaka.org.uk> wrote:

> Locally, North Lincolnshire, they have a permit system for vans. It
> works pretty well to distinguish Land Rover users from a trademan.

Might be worth checking the small print on that one, they have a
permit system at my local too, but only if you don't have another car.
If you have a stinky smoke-belching prohibited van and it's your only
form of transport, then you're fine, but if you have a prohibited van
and bunny-hugging eco-skate then you need to turn up in the
eco-skate. They warn you that they'll check and request your address
to send the permit to. Enforcing stupid pointless rules are where
council workers excel.

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
Is it any wonder they end up dumped anywhere, I phoned my local department
about some old computer stuff I want to dispose of, they have assured me I
can take my land rover in, after reading this thread I will not be surprised
if I can't. Oh well at least I have bins big enough to hide a washing
machine in :)

Series 3 Rust and Holes


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