
Cockernee, Pasty munchin bastid.
Me, Oddie, Stumpy and KTM enjoyed a cracking breakfast at Seaton Beach, then took in a few lanes around SE Kernow.
Thanks Stumpy, for leading us!
No one got stuck and the only damage (apart from a few scratches) was Stumpy's twig gettin a bit bent.
















What a great mornnng laning and eating a really good brekkie! Great pics trewey, unfortunately didn't get much footage this time but will try and upload my pics later (of which i haven't got anything very good i'm afraid, i was too busy thoroughly enjoying myself!)

I think we have some good fodder there to return the SLUTS laning favour early next year - and what a stunning morning it was!

And of course welcome to the two new youngest SLAPPERS who looked like they were enjoying themselves as well! (Not you Stumpy and M!)
Let us know when ya going again As I Have to visit me Big Sis down your neck of the woods soon and I could kill 2 birds with one stone.
Thanks guys a pleasure to take out such great company. Great pictures Trewey apart from the one of me returning from a toilet trip The girls were brilliant real little off road stars. And unbelievable though it sounds we can reveal to the world that Trewey has a trapping hat, met some nice lady dog walkers of came the flat cap and on it came, he looked like an off white version of SHAFT:cool2:
Let us know when ya going again As I Have to visit me Big Sis down your neck of the woods soon and I could kill 2 birds with one stone.

Only if a. Your sis is single
and b. She likes short, balding slightly desperate blokes:D :D :D
The mob wanted Harlem back. They got Shaft...up to here.


Cool guy!
That'll do me.
Sorry chaps, me photo offerings int even worth offering and i spect the vid will be similar, got about 3 mins in total of which about 30 secs is us off road and the rest mincing about in the car park! Tis tricky to get good footage on a green laning do coz it's transient - need to do Baldhu for that!
Sorry - was too busy enjoying meself (and wiping chocolate and twiglets off of odd2's face and hands!) - but glad to see your excellent record of the day!

I was very tempted to stop about every 100 yards along the Looe valley, the views over the millpond estuary with speckles of frost, and sun in just the right places, and a gentle haze of mist, were breathtaking... but the next lane called louder!
it's no good - all me footage and all me photos and i can't stretch more than 2 mins out of it, of which about 3 seconds is worth watching. Silk purse: sow's ear etc. Sorry, it int gonna happen this time, yer oh! facial fotographer and vidjyooologist has let you down! Anyone else got any footage?
it's no good - all me footage and all me photos and i can't stretch more than 2 mins out of it, of which about 3 seconds is worth watching. Silk purse: sow's ear etc. Sorry, it int gonna happen this time, yer oh! facial fotographer and vidjyooologist has let you down! Anyone else got any footage?

S'alright Oddy, when the S*L*U*Ts come down to play we'll get our Oh Facial Photyographer on the case! :mooning:

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