i doubt that.....

will be there in my suzuki...have you got the pics put up yet capn?
will be there in my suzuki...have you got the pics put up yet capn?

YUP ;) :D

LADLES AND JELLYSPOONS I GIVE YOU ...................................

THE ZUKI................ :eek:



Not like any zuki i've ever seen though :p :rolleyes:
i love my zuki.......

Ahhhhhh yes ......................

But you share it with me :p .............................

Well i get to do the welding anyways :rolleyes: :D

Boggle ............. i will require your assistance for the open heart surgery of the new 200TDI once it gets here ........ will let you know nearer the time mate ;)

'tis sad that the green 200 has to donate it's organs .............. what with all the work i've done to her n all but at least she will live on ............. well bits of her will :eek: :p :D
can I ave a go in it mr boggle? pleese pleese pleese pleese pleese!
I promise not to do a busrucket.
hee hee.
Boggle, is your RRC still for sale? I've stuffed me 90 today and I want an RRC :D

Trayback's looking very very nice :cool:

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