;-) will do. Doesn't seem to be as many as there was but they certainly are hard little buggers when you find one. A bit like hitting an armoured badger.
Good to hear, they are pretty good value in the US, and look a good alternative to some of the local produce.

Has anyone tried the waterless coolants in the V8? Do they run any better?
Is that because no one wants them?

moving to Florida.

I have the E2 visa interview next Friday and, all being well, should also be moving to Florida by the end of this month. Where are you going to live? I am considering a V8 Disco to replace the Dodge Charger that I am currently running over there.
I wish I could take the 300tdi but she's got another 7 or 8 years until she's eligible for the 25 year old regs.
If there is enough left to import.

I am flying out in a couple of weeks to sort schools and accomodation, then hopefully out for August. Moving to the north of Orlando.

Good luck with the E2 interview.
Is that because no one wants them?


possibly, I think most who originally bought them where not into maintenance, leaving most of the works to main dealers. On a few review sites they have taken a lot of negative comment. The ones I have seen for sale seem to be well looked after though.

I did consider a pickup with extended cab,but they sell for much more than a well looked after Discovery.

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