I am continually surprised at the amount of interest these topics stir up. I can guarantee, that I will try my best to get the product and the software released in February. Please remember that I am just one guy with a full time day job and a wife and kid. I may fail miserably, but I certainly will have had fun trying. :) I hope I do not fail and I will try my best not to. It will get done or it will not, either way everyone’s lives should continue on just fine.

The software is written in the VB.Net framework. So basically, any windows machine with the most current Dot.Net framework regardless of 32bit versus 64bit will run the software. Microsoft did all the compatibility work for me. We do not have to worry about the specific Windows OS, as long as the Dot.Net framework is installed.

Initially, the only 32bit versus 64bit code in my program was because I was concerned about 32bit versus 64bit USB drivers. It turns out that I did not have to be concerned as Windows 7 x64, runs the 32bit driver just fine. So I kept everything in 32bit. Everything runs fine on Windows XP and Windows 2000.
I am continually surprised at the amount of interest these topics stir up. I can guarantee, that I will try my best to get the product and the software released in February. Please remember that I am just one guy with a full time day job and a wife and kid. I may fail miserably, but I certainly will have had fun trying. :) I hope I do not fail and I will try my best not to. It will get done or it will not, either way everyone’s lives should continue on just fine.

The software is written in the VB.Net framework. So basically, any windows machine with the most current Dot.Net framework regardless of 32bit versus 64bit will run the software. Microsoft did all the compatibility work for me. We do not have to worry about the specific Windows OS, as long as the Dot.Net framework is installed.

Initially, the only 32bit versus 64bit code in my program was because I was concerned about 32bit versus 64bit USB drivers. It turns out that I did not have to be concerned as Windows 7 x64, runs the 32bit driver just fine. So I kept everything in 32bit. Everything runs fine on Windows XP and Windows 2000.

Thanks for that mate and good luck with your efforts. Have a good holiday season.:):):)
I am continually surprised at the amount of interest these topics stir up. I can guarantee, that I will try my best to get the product and the software released in February. Please remember that I am just one guy with a full time day job and a wife and kid. I may fail miserably, but I certainly will have had fun trying. :) I hope I do not fail and I will try my best not to. It will get done or it will not, either way everyone’s lives should continue on just fine.

The software is written in the VB.Net framework. So basically, any windows machine with the most current Dot.Net framework regardless of 32bit versus 64bit will run the software. Microsoft did all the compatibility work for me. We do not have to worry about the specific Windows OS, as long as the Dot.Net framework is installed.

Initially, the only 32bit versus 64bit code in my program was because I was concerned about 32bit versus 64bit USB drivers. It turns out that I did not have to be concerned as Windows 7 x64, runs the 32bit driver just fine. So I kept everything in 32bit. Everything runs fine on Windows XP and Windows 2000.

there you have it!!! from the horses mouth!! i like the guys laid back nature and how he is not punting his next product etc...! lol but he sounds like just another one of us common folk with a range rover and trying to do the best he can. yet again i find myself wanting to buy the product and wanting to try it out. as i said before february is not that far way and i think we can all see then what it will wont do!
there you have it!!! from the horses mouth!! i like the guys laid back nature and how he is not punting his next product etc...! lol but he sounds like just another one of us common folk with a range rover and trying to do the best he can. yet again i find myself wanting to buy the product and wanting to try it out. as i said before february is not that far way and i think we can all see then what it will wont do!

When you have something everybody wants you don't need to advertise. When was the last time you saw an ad for Rolls Royce. :):)
When you have something everybody wants you don't need to advertise. When was the last time you saw an ad for Rolls Royce. :):)

very true!! i dont think there is any reason to doubt the guy, he delivered EASuite and thats an every day useable program!
i had a look a yesterday as i remembered storey said it was available in feb, COME on im dying to see the next vid of it! shame he hasnt been able to do more subsystems for the p38 yet.
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYGAjLd-lWg&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube - Rover All Comms - Video Update - Beta 2[/nomedia]

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