Defo not after the Chicken Vindaloo, rice, naan and beer I've just scoffed!!!
Better half and kids away to bed...!
Even the cats fecked off outside!!!
Defo not after the Chicken Vindaloo, rice, naan and beer I've just scoffed!!!
Better half and kids away to bed...!
Even the cats fecked off outside!!!

so i was right said you smelt somethin.... your nose was too close to your arse :D:D
Good morning Gentlemen,
I am very excited as well on the progress. This project has officially been going on for a year now. That make me a bit nervous but I am very near the end. So to see the community happy, make it seem more than worth the effort.

The tool will cost approximately 250 USD. The cost may go down; it just depends on the final numbers from my local manufacturer. There was a problem with parts availability but that seems to be solved now. The solution was to purchase as many of the parts as I could before the company stopped making them. I ended up buying 4000 parts to solve the problem. The part was a major component, so I could not just replace it easily.

The tool will not be locked to any specific vehicle type or any specific vehicle VIN. I think that practice, while generating more money for the manufacturer, would alienate the Rover community too much. It just does not seem to be beneficial to anyone but the manufacturer. And I am doing this for the larger Rover community.

I do intend to finish the tool and have units for sale in February. The tool may not be complete for all the Rover model subsystems, but I am going to get it as complete as I can. Downloads of the software will be free and so will updates. I am hoping to integrate the update system in to the software and it would be automatic. The software is being written and tested on a Windows 7 64 bit machine. So there will not be any issues with drivers or OS.

Once the core "read and clear faults" functions for all the vehicles have been completed, then other modules for the other system functions will be written. Other functions would include; key programming, brake bleeding, light timers, etc…

Thanks Guys,

Hi Storey, your software looks good but having experienced the problems that occur with Vista and 7, I reckon that is where the operational problems will come from:( Having to buy a 64 bit Windows 7 laptop to run you stuff will make the whole thing quite expensive:(:( Microsoft have in effect acknowledged those problems by giving away a copy of XP pro with 7 pro to "downgrade" to a reliable working system.
When we first started work on the very first Diagnostic System for Land Rover vehicles, we also always thought it would just be another month away, however it was not the creation of a nice front end that takes the time, any of my guys could do that in a week or two, it is that every single vehicle system is uniquely different, especially on the earlier stuff, and each and every one has to be painstakingly figured out, have the software written and tested. It eventually took two of us 4 years of very hard 18 hour days before we were eventually in a position to introduce our first system, although we did intend our system to do more than just read and clear fault codes from the start. I do not care how generous, community spirited or otherwise someone is, that costs big bucks.

Worse still, no matter of wishful thinking, effort or capability will mean that any new system will be bug free and it took us another 4 years or more to fully find and eradicate all the many bugs and problems that are inevitable in such a complex system. We also had to put in an extensive support system which, as well as the development costs, ultimately has to be paid for somehow.

In the end, the reality is that you simply cannot accurately predict how long it will take or cost you to do something you have never done before, which is a lesson i learned very early on and as you see already the eventual RRP price just goes up and up.

I also learned to ignore criticism about our marketing and pricing, which interestingly i note only ever seems to come from those who do not even own one of our systems.

I wouldnt be surprised if Colin has a competitive product up his sleeve, but at the mo, he doesnt need to market it.

Never a truer, or more understanding of the situation, word spoken.
I have worked very hard over the last 15 years to attain our position and reputation and build a not insubstantial and totally professional business around what we do.

Not being a complete idiot and having a team of half a dozen or more full time programmers under me for many years, it is therefore not beyond belief to imagine that i probably have more than a little up my sleeve. However i tend to only reveal stuff when it is ready and not what is not already fully developed.

But it is not always about future developments, it's also about having many possible counter contingency plans to accommodate and counter any possible changes in the market. I have many, just one being that i could make the FCR available without any VIN lock and also capable of accessing multiple models on the same unit. I could of course also do this with the MSV-2 if required.

But these are obvious and talk is cheap. So for those imagining we will ever be pushed out of the market, let me give everyone a small idea of another possibility i have had at my disposal for many years, should i ever need it, one, which given the element of cheap hardware and free software mentioned, i am sure you will definately appreciate.

Those with an eye for detail will notice this short demo video was made in Dec 2007 and as such used an old (but then current Rovacom Lite vehicle server) as opposed to the now much cheaper (Approx 150 GBP) faster and smaller MSV-2 NANO modern day equivalent. It also features one of the Panasonic CF27 Laptops with a touch screen, which we currently supply for about 100 GBP.

The video does not go into depth but does at least show real communications with the test vehicle and i promise gave faster and more reliable communication results than the original hardware. Those more familiar will not only recognize this as the holy grail, but also note how we have also taken it to the next level in terms of lead selection.

T4 Emulation Demo Video.
But it is not always about future developments, it's also about having many possible counter contingency plans to accommodate and counter any possible changes in the market. I have many, just one being that i could make the FCR available without any VIN lock and also capable of accessing multiple models on the same unit. I could of course also do this with the MSV-2 if required.

As quoted by BBS

You are such a tease Colin

So, Are you going to release those tricks from your sleeve before or after RSW produces a competant alternative system.

Do not under estimate the competition and cry 'foul' after the horse has bolted, however,..........

Who is to say RSW will release a successful alternative, are you willing to risk it or should you now consider offering customers those tricks you have up your sleeve.

Lets see what happens in February
But it is not always about future developments, it's also about having many possible counter contingency plans to accommodate and counter any possible changes in the market. I have many, just one being that i could make the FCR available without any VIN lock and also capable of accessing multiple models on the same unit. I could of course also do this with the MSV-2 if required.

As quoted by BBS

You are such a tease Colin

So, Are you going to release those tricks from your sleeve before or after RSW produces a competant alternative system.

Do not under estimate the competition and cry 'foul' after the horse has bolted, however,..........

Who is to say RSW will release a successful alternative, are you willing to risk it or should you now consider offering customers those tricks you have up your sleeve.

Lets see what happens in February

Don't be fooking daft he's a business man selling the most expensive item the market will bear. If and when? It becomes apparent that he has viable competition he will then launch cheaper products as the market moves away from his product. But not until he absolutely has too. His gamble will be when to launch too soon, and he'll lose too much of his profit. Too late and he'll be playing 2nd fiddle to an already existing product. The question isn't has he got a rival product. But when will market forces dictate that he must release it.

To me a product that is locked to an individual vin number smacks of profiteering. His statement that he could remove the vin locking if he chose to just reinforces that impression..
But it is not always about future developments, it's also about having many possible counter contingency plans to accommodate and counter any possible changes in the market. I have many, just one being that i could make the FCR available without any VIN lock and also capable of accessing multiple models on the same unit. I could of course also do this with the MSV-2 if required.

As quoted by BBS

You are such a tease Colin

So, Are you going to release those tricks from your sleeve before or after RSW produces a competant alternative system.

Do not under estimate the competition and cry 'foul' after the horse has bolted, however,..........

Who is to say RSW will release a successful alternative, are you willing to risk it or should you now consider offering customers those tricks you have up your sleeve.

Lets see what happens in February
I agree
Myself and friends are eagerly awaiting February, looks very promising.
We all collectively donate to RSW as we have used his current software to great effect....:D
I agree
Myself and friends are eagerly awaiting February, looks very promising.
We all collectively donate to RSW as we have used his current software to great effect....:D

So having missed the previous promise by a year, does anyone here want to actually put some money on "I do intend to finish the tool and have units for sale in February." then !!!

For reference, rather than full on current MSV-2 capability which includes a fully debugged settings, inputs outputs and many of the other features we include as standard, i will accept finish the tool as meaning just full read and write of all Fault codes on any and all variants of P38, DII and L322.
So having missed the previous promise by a year, does anyone here want to actually put some money on "I do intend to finish the tool and have units for sale in February." then !!!

For reference, rather than full on current MSV-2 capability which includes a fully debugged settings, inputs outputs and many of the other features we include as standard, i will accept finish the tool as meaning just full read and write of all Fault codes on any and all variants of P38, DII and L322.

Now, now, Children :rolleyes:

If RSW does complete it then it will be judged on its merits, not on its proposed virtues, the same as BBS products have been. There is no need to get in to a slagging match. BBS has a product. RSW do not have a competitive product yet.
BBS can do one of two things..... have a competitive product available for when RSW bring a product on the market or do nothing and hope their product will be better.
Only time will tell - arguing over "might haves" and "will dos" have no meaning to someone that needs a fault fixed.
We can only wait and see what happens - and then vote with our money.
Well said MHM and may i express that i have always respected your input to any thread on this forum as the voice of reason and regarded you as a true credit to this board :clap2:

This discussion and thread is not even where we are currently at.
Presently our teams focus has actually been to incorporate coverage of the new Evoque on our system and properly up spec our system to include 2011 models and beyond.

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