Has Storey gained patents?

It would be very difficult and expensive even if it were possible to patent the hardware. It's actually just a very small simple bit of electronics made up up freely available components. Copyright and Intelectual property rights are more or less automatic.
Any one can report counterfit listings to ebay.

Surely that would be up to Storey Wilson? If he can't be bothered, why should anyone else report the copy. You might also have to prove it's a copy rather than a different design that just happens to run the Allcomms software.
This sort of thing is a real minefield, the only thing that talks is money and lots of it if you want to protect a design.
Just a thought. Everytime you start up the Allcomms software it immediately goes on line and downloads the latest update (if there is one). This is automatic, right at the start, before it goes any further with the programme.
On one recent update it crashed with me because the software wasn't expecting UK time to be in the format dd/mm/yyyy. It effectively disabled the device. I emailed Storey about the bug and to his credit it was fixed within 24 hrs.
Maybe he could deliberately disable all the clones by making use of this feature?
I received my mk111 all comms system from RSW. It was very simple to install and i'm no computer expert.
The package is very comprehensive and it cleared several faults straight away.It also highlighted a problem with one of the steering column motors which hopefully will be a simple fix.
Good product, does what it says on the tin.
Just a thought. Everytime you start up the Allcomms software it immediately goes on line and downloads the latest update (if there is one). This is automatic, right at the start, before it goes any further with the programme.
On one recent update it crashed with me because the software wasn't expecting UK time to be in the format dd/mm/yyyy. It effectively disabled the device. I emailed Storey about the bug and to his credit it was fixed within 24 hrs.
Maybe he could deliberately disable all the clones by making use of this feature?

corrupt any eeprom that doesn't match his batches-simple to do or chip hex id block
corrupt any eeprom that doesn't match his batches-simple to do or chip hex id block

The chip used is a CP2103 with 1024bytes of EEPROM. It's a USB to UART bridge. The EEPROM is programable in situe via the USB port, so it is technically possible to check when the software loads for non approved hardware. The trouble is that because it is so simple, unless a rolling code is used that changes with each hardware device sold, it is impossible to control. Ideally Storey needs to use a unique code for each Allcomms unit sold which would in turn require the purchaser to enter a code to start a download. That is one way of doing it, but it requires a lot of effort to control it all:)
well well well,

Decided to take the plunge and risk buying one of these "clones / chinese copys"

Delivered today, complete with RSW All comms software. the usb to OBD cable is identical to RSW's, just a different colour.

and hey presto it works absolutely perfectly !

went onto AES and cleared the faults and the AES panel booted up and my compressor kicked in and all was back to normal. and the suspension inactive message was gone !

its also helping me diagnose my possible faulty inhibitor switch !

Very chuffed indeed ! saved myself a few hundred quid.

I will have to send RSW a donation for a contribution for the softwere.

no need to go to the stealers now ! £60 a go !! YAY !

If any one in the herts area needs their fault codes reading or clearing on their range i'll be glad to help :)


At the end of the day, and it's entirely up to you, I think you should buy the real thing from RSW now that you know it works. you should really support the person who put a large portion of his life into creating it.

Also, if you paid with Paypal you'll get your money back from Ebay.

As a software developer myself I know all too well when somebody takes your creation and exploits it. All it does is stifle innovation, make the rip-off ****ers richer and generally ****es off the good guys.

I understand where you are coming from though - Why pay £200 when you can pay £60 if you can get away with it? For me, I'd not feel right about doing it. It's not like he's a mega rich corporation, just some dude trying to keep a roof over his head like most of us.
As a software developer myself I know all too well when somebody takes your creation and exploits it. All it does is stifle innovation, make the rip-off ****ers richer and generally ****es off the good guys.

Also a software developer and I second these thoughts.

Hoping for some D2 bits to be added to this, but if everybody buys the clones I guess it won't be happening anytime soon.
Storey has locked the Allcomms software.I tried to use mine today to check for updates and it updated the software and locked it.I had to send an email from the original email address used to purchase the Allcomms.I was then sent an activation code via email to unlock it.:cool:
Storey has locked the Allcomms software.I tried to use mine today to check for updates and it updated the software and locked it.I had to send an email from the original email address used to purchase the Allcomms.I was then sent an activation code via email to unlock it.:cool:

Good man, pleased to see that Storey is back in control.:D

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