
Active Member

I bet this subject has been chatted to death but I can't find my exact problem.

I have used the software before with this equipment successfully I understand how to get it to communicate with the car.

I have connected it the correct way and pressed initialise to then get this.

I'm getting intermittent status readings that flicker green but mainly stays red.

Anybody got an idea on how to resolve this issue.

I'm running windows 10 with the obd2 to usb lead.

It has worked before but my car is on its arse and I've used the jump wire to get some air into the system and it's taken it from don't drive over 35 mph message to EAS Fault.

Please help

has windows updated itself ? With the cable connected, remove the windows usb-serial driver. Then unplug cable, and install the correct FTDI driver. Then try again. It needs to have "good idle" after initialise, or the data reveived is rubbish.
has windows updated itself ? With the cable connected, remove the windows usb-serial driver. Then unplug cable, and install the correct FTDI driver. Then try again. It needs to have "good idle" after initialise, or the data reveived is rubbish.
As above^^^^ or your USB to serial adaptor has failed.
Windows updated prior to me connecting it to the car.

How will I remove the windows usb-serial driver. Where will i find the correct FTDI driver.

Sorry to be thick ...... lol
I've installed the drivers and tested the communication again and I still have the same problem

Any ideas
Corrosion in the OBD connector is a possibility, common problem.
+2 on that . . . . had corrosion on both my P38 diag connectors.

Also do you hear the dash beeps when connecting & clicking Initialise ? If not check the Timer Relay is correct under the left seat.

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