thanks for your help.

that is exactly the same as the RSW unit. Same unit and same software as the £200 unit !

and its called the same ! ? ! ? "RSW All comms"

does it look dodgy ? he's sold one already ?

hmm.... :confused:

There is a warning on RSW website about clones being offered for sale on ebay.Have a read:D
The hardware looks similar but is not exactly the same.
My (genuine) Allcomms has a blue transparent OBD case the end and you can see a circuit board LED light on when it is working.
The one on Ebay has a bog standard black OBD plug on it.
Very happy with Hawkeye as a diagnostic and fault clearer, also can use it to reset ECU trims but can't do much in terms of settings. For example it doesn't let me change country code or enable foglamps even though it shows those options (and says fogs are enabled). Basically for BECM its functioning only as a reader although that might be because it says BECM is locked and it can't unlock it. Also it shows EKA 9999 which is not my actual EKA. So a mixed bag. I had bought the allcomms early on based on Storey's initial confidence that he would have the P38 bits going in a couple of months. That was a year ago. So far the best I've used is the Autologic, better even than Testbook I find. Considering getting the mini P38 thingy from Blackbox when it comes out but to be honest all this kit is beginning to be worth more than the car.
I bought an All Comms a while back and it saved me sommat like £4000 in main dealer charges.

It cleared a gearbox fault which Shuckers quoted £1500 for a new transfer box which the car didn't need
Also cleared a SRS fault which Shuckers quoted anywhere between £1500 and £3000 to fault find and fix.

So, all in all money well spent. Can't comment on the other diag systems but for the L322 - All comms is pretty good.

Only complaint is that Storey doesn't seem to be updating the software as often as he used to. Hope he ain't got bored with it.
thanks for your help.

that is exactly the same as the RSW unit. Same unit and same software as the £200 unit !

and its called the same ! ? ! ? "RSW All comms"

does it look dodgy ? he's sold one already ?

hmm.... :confused:

IMO Storey wilson made a big mistake with Allcomms. The hardware is mickey mouse simple, I could copy that and have it in production in a couple of weeks but I wouldn't. Once you have copied the hardware the software being free, you are home and dry. There is some lock code in the hardware but easy enough to replicate.
Now you know why BBS are so carefull. Poor old Storey, having done all the work is going to get little return for his effort as more and more hardware clones will appear.:eek: Very sad:(
As title really,

got a few probs with my EAS and intrested in being able to clear and look at the faults without paying for a dealer !

anyone got any experience with the all comms unit ?

it looks like a nice bit of kit, with lots of support ?

can it only clear faults or can you also change the cars settings like enabling "lazy locking" etc.. (the stuff you have to go to the stealers for)

and am i right in thinking your not tied down to using it on just your own car ? ie not locked to your vin ?

lastly what about customs charge from the US ? it will cost more than the unit itself ! lol :eek:

Thanks guys

Hi Hippo.

I have the ALL Comms and it's amazing! Worth it's weight in gold mate! I have had Land Rover and other people hook their diagnostic (T4 & Autologic) and they come up with the same codes and errors my All Comms does. Bar none!
You can adjust plenty of things. It's all on Storeys website and youtube videos.
Mine took about 8 days to ship over and i paid no import taxes.
You only have to use it 4 times and you have earnt your money back put it that way! :)
IMO Storey wilson made a big mistake with Allcomms. The hardware is mickey mouse simple, I could copy that and have it in production in a couple of weeks but I wouldn't. Once you have copied the hardware the software being free, you are home and dry. There is some lock code in the hardware but easy enough to replicate.
Right at the outset it was intended that the software for Allcomms was to be open source. I don't know if that is still the case. I can't see him releasing the code now after all the work he has done.
Right at the outset it was intended that the software for Allcomms was to be open source. I don't know if that is still the case. I can't see him releasing the code now after all the work he has done.

Releasing the source code is irrelevant. The working software is a free download and is already in the public domain. It would be possible to knock up the hardware on a bit of prototyping board it's so simple, it would not be pretty but it would be functional. Crack the lock code and you have an almost free system. The parts cost would be about a fiver.
well well well,

Decided to take the plunge and risk buying one of these "clones / chinese copys"

Delivered today, complete with RSW All comms software. the usb to OBD cable is identical to RSW's, just a different colour.

and hey presto it works absolutely perfectly !

went onto AES and cleared the faults and the AES panel booted up and my compressor kicked in and all was back to normal. and the suspension inactive message was gone !

its also helping me diagnose my possible faulty inhibitor switch !

Very chuffed indeed ! saved myself a few hundred quid.

I will have to send RSW a donation for a contribution for the softwere.

no need to go to the stealers now ! £60 a go !! YAY !

If any one in the herts area needs their fault codes reading or clearing on their range i'll be glad to help :)

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That guy on Ebay has posted pictures of the P38 menus as well as the L322, he'll have some unhappy chappies if they buy thinking it will work on anything but the EAS on the P38.
Hippo, you might make a contribution to RSW, but I bet most will just pay the £69.99 to the Ebay seller with no thought about the guy who sweated to develop it.
I think he will give up on the development now as he is unlikely to see much return on his investment of time.
Decided to take the plunge and risk buying one of these "clones / chinese copys"

Thats a real shame. Storeys efforts over the past years have on the whole been selfless, sure he has made something out of his work, who wouldnt, but buy buying the cheap copies you are just shooting yourself in the foot, Storey will not support your unit and I wouldnt at be surprised if he gave up all development work in the future.
That guy on Ebay has posted pictures of the P38 menus as well as the L322, he'll have some unhappy chappies if they buy thinking it will work on anything but the EAS on the P38.
Hippo, you might make a contribution to RSW, but I bet most will just pay the £69.99 to the Ebay seller with no thought about the guy who sweated to develop it.
I think he will give up on the development now as he is unlikely to see much return on his investment of time.

Couldn't agree more Keith.
After all the build up to Storey developing his AllComs and people slagging off BBS for their "Rip off prices", which was nothing but a self destruct exercise in my opinion, people still want something for nothing. The guy worked his balls off developing the system at a reasonable price...and fair play to him, only to have the results of his hard work stolen. I think that following this episode, the chances of him repeating the exercise for the P38 is a non starter and people can forget it happening. I would not blame him one bit if he decided to throw in the towel at this point.
I wonder if those that have bought the clones will have the brass neck to contact Storey if they have problems and look for support.
I sincerely hope that these clones turn out to be a load of ****e.:mad:
I too hope the rip off copies give endless grief.I purchased the Allcomms from Storey to help support his efforts even though I only have A P38.
According to his website the copies are in violation of various copyrights/patents.I guess it would be too costly to enforce them.:mad::mad:
Couldn't agree more Keith.
After all the build up to Storey developing his AllComs and people slagging off BBS for their "Rip off prices", which was nothing but a self destruct exercise in my opinion, people still want something for nothing. The guy worked his balls off developing the system at a reasonable price...and fair play to him, only to have the results of his hard work stolen. I think that following this episode, the chances of him repeating the exercise for the P38 is a non starter and people can forget it happening. I would not blame him one bit if he decided to throw in the towel at this point.
I wonder if those that have bought the clones will have the brass neck to contact Storey if they have problems and look for support.
I sincerely hope that these clones turn out to be a load of ****e.:mad:

I'm sure people will contact Storey for support regardless of where they bought the kit John, hopefully he will take their details and issue a writ.
As I said, the trouble is the hardware is so simple that he left himself wide open. I would have put the software into a microprocessor embedded in the hardware suitably encripted, AKA BBS.:(
At the end of the day the units are identical other than the colour. I think the cable itself is a generic USB OBD cable. He should have written the software so that it's more secure.
The software Is not cracked or hack to make it work with the cable as I downloaded a genuine copy straight off RSW website and it recognises the USB cable straight away. So that shows there's no real security regarding what devices it will accept.

So really there's no copy right breaking as no software hacking has been done to make it work, and as the software is open source your free to download and use it.

If these units are out there and working than who is going to pay £200 more for a genuine unit that is exactly the same ?
Harsh I know ! But it's true.
At the end of the day the units are identical other than the colour. I think the cable itself is a generic USB OBD cable. He should have written the software so that it's more secure.
The software Is not cracked or hack to make it work with the cable as I downloaded a genuine copy straight off RSW website and it recognises the USB cable straight away. So that shows there's no real security regarding what devices it will accept.

So really there's no copy right breaking as no software hacking has been done to make it work, and as the software is open source your free to download and use it.

If these units are out there and working than who is going to pay £200 more for a genuine unit that is exactly the same ?
Harsh I know ! But it's true.

Copyright and intelectual property rights apply to hardware as well as software. The hardware copy infringes Storey Wilson's copyright and intelectual property rights. He clearly has a case that could be persued but I doubt he has the money to fund a court case.
IMO Storey wilson made a big mistake with Allcomms. The hardware is mickey mouse simple, I could copy that and have it in production in a couple of weeks but I wouldn't. Once you have copied the hardware the software being free, you are home and dry. There is some lock code in the hardware but easy enough to replicate.
Now you know why BBS are so carefull. Poor old Storey, having done all the work is going to get little return for his effort as more and more hardware clones will appear.:eek: Very sad:(

He could use hex value of chip in devices to lock future software versions to his gear

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