Mr French,
I had an Uncle (ex SAS) who's wife had Huntington's disease for nigh on 30 years, he was almost as housebound as she, 1 hour a week someone came in and he had to hurry to do the weekly shop, he very undeservedly ended up with dementia!

I can but only imagine the daily routine you have, the almost 100% attention towards your darling wife.....
There is not a soul here who does not have empathy with you or your situation.

With regards to new Rangie,
To quote Keith Fenner (of youtube) , Get 'er done.. (Job at hand)
As you know I'd been looking at the D3 and 4 but..........a good RR has always been beyond me but now we can do it and I argue with myself that there other things we can do, and then you realise that the list of what you can do is limited and diminishes gradually: flying and the anxiety that goes with it is out; long trips are difficult - again anxiety can be triggered, sitting at home and waiting has never been our style - we like a beer and a sarnie - but the countryside and a bit of luxury slo-mo travel off-piste and away from the crowds is a really good option. Actually writing about it at the moment is somewhat cathartic though I'm afraid of talking too much,. I keep in touch with our two sons and my wife's two sisters but on a daily basis I never talk to a soul. Looking back, it's interesting (to me) that as Mrs B's degeneration has continued I've posted more and more on LZ. How sad is that?
However: while there is no real upside, we feel that after a lifetime of the odd struggle and putting others always first, that maybe we can really be selfish for whatever is left (my phrase because we don't speak of time). We don't want a bucket list - we just want a bucket, a RR bucket! AND BUIGGER ME IF I DON'T BUY ONE BEFORE THE END OF THE MONTH.


indeed i remember u chatting about the D3-D4 , think it would be fantastic to get a landy you’ve always dreamed of owning , where u can both share some fantastic trips

when i was having a rough time i found this forum and the wonderful people a blessing, knowing others who will listen and chat to of ur concerns or just want to chat about anything

plus if ur unsure in what to look for i imagine people will volunteer to come with u , so can assist in giving it a once over

all the very best
Just get it bought - if you have to worry about it later then so what. I never thought that I could ever own a RR but the l322 BMW engine examples have fallen into my price range and I bought one - it's been a right pain in the arse and cost me heaps in the 3-4 months that I have owned it but the pleasure of driving the thing is immense. Make sure you buy it on a credit card and try Start Rescue for recovery insurance - best of luck to you both.
Morning all - bit of a rough couple of days but thanks for the words and taking time to respond. D2 goes in tomorrow for a week of Dinitrol and the weekend I'm shopping for a dreamy RR. And checking insurance. A bright morning an thanks again.
I am the Chair of a local Dementia support charity and I know only too well the sort of problems that you are facing, and the drain that this places on you as a carer.

Follow your dream and get the RR!!!!

Good luck

I am the Chair of a local Dementia support charity and I know only too well the sort of problems that you are facing, and the drain that this places on you as a carer.

Follow your dream and get the RR!!!!

Good luck

Thank you so much Pete. It's wonderful to know someone understands. This beautiful women I met and proposed to the same day -forty eight years ago - is getting to the stage of paranoia, imagining people here in the house, fear of everything, and I cannot believe this is happening to her. And she knows and I see the deep fear in her eyes pleading for it all to go away. And I promise I will never ever leave her. It is flipping so cruel and destructive and unfair and I am so sorry for airing this here - this is not the place for it - but to be honest, the chance of writing down my feelings is one I gratefully grab at. Thank you for your note Peter.
+1 Hopefully your time spent together will be both extended & happy. Not sure buying a modern LR will help the latter sentiment though.
Haha - I've won £2.40 on the lottery this week and I've put it in with my other winnings over the years which makes, let's see, £3.40. So who's worried? (me)

Been looking this afternoon at a few ads and checked out this MoT on a possible RR of interest: is there any concern that after an average of 4k a year it then does 47k the following year? Or have it read it wrong again?

Date tested11 March 2015
Mileage78,856 miles
MOT test number2787 3097 5039
Test locationunavailable until further notice
Expiry date12 March 2016

Advisory notice item(s)
  • Nearside Front Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
  • non obligatory mirror missing
  • gear box oil leak

Date tested7 March 2014
Mileage31,749 miles
MOT test number1470 9666 4061
Test locationunavailable until further notice
Expiry date12 March 2015

Advisory notice item(s)
  • Offside Rear Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
  • off side rear tyre several cuts in to tread
What are advisories?
Date tested7 March 2014
Mileage31,745 miles
MOT test number7777 2676 4096
Test locationunavailable until further notice
Thank you so much Pete. It's wonderful to know someone understands. This beautiful women I met and proposed to the same day -forty eight years ago - is getting to the stage of paranoia, imagining people here in the house, fear of everything, and I cannot believe this is happening to her. And she knows and I see the deep fear in her eyes pleading for it all to go away. And I promise I will never ever leave her. It is flipping so cruel and destructive and unfair and I am so sorry for airing this here - this is not the place for it - but to be honest, the chance of writing down my feelings is one I gratefully grab at. Thank you for your note Peter.
Hello mate,not trying to hijack your thread .Can I just say I'm on the other side of the coin ie I'm terminal and in last couple months of what they told me.Family have suffered awfully seeing me get worse.Go for anything you can that makes both of you happy and enjoy every moment.All the very best to you both
You are not hijacking but sharing. I promise I WILL take your advice. I guess it's not only the worst time for you but also for family and there are very few words that give any kind of comfort. Are you still able to get out and about, do you have help? I have an inkling of how your family are feeling and I just hope you have good friends around you and lots of support. I'm pleased that you took time to post a few words. Stay in touch and i'll let you know where I'm up to. I've been spending an hour this afternoon checking MoTs on a number of RRs and I'm astonished at the discrepancies. The dealer says one thing and the MoT says something different. Then when you check out the dealers reviews they seem to be either written by the staff or by people carrying out a vendetta against them. Any advice would be very welcome and thanks again for giving me perspective on life.
As you know I'd been looking at the D3 and 4 but..........a good RR has always been beyond me but now we can do it and I argue with myself that there other things we can do, and then you realise that the list of what you can do is limited and diminishes gradually: flying and the anxiety that goes with it is out; long trips are difficult - again anxiety can be triggered, sitting at home and waiting has never been our style - we like a beer and a sarnie - but the countryside and a bit of luxury slo-mo travel off-piste and away from the crowds is a really good option. Actually writing about it at the moment is somewhat cathartic though I'm afraid of talking too much,. I keep in touch with our two sons and my wife's two sisters but on a daily basis I never talk to a soul. Looking back, it's interesting (to me) that as Mrs B's degeneration has continued I've posted more and more on LZ. How sad is that?
However: while there is no real upside, we feel that after a lifetime of the odd struggle and putting others always first, that maybe we can really be selfish for whatever is left (my phrase because we don't speak of time). We don't want a bucket list - we just want a bucket, a RR bucket! AND BUIGGER ME IF I DON'T BUY ONE BEFORE THE END OF THE MONTH.
Go tor it ,this forum is more than just for advise on cars.Enjoy every day you have together remember this isn't a rehearsal. My best wishes to you both.
Go tor it ,this forum is more than just for advise on cars.Enjoy every day you have together remember this isn't a rehearsal. My best wishes to you both.
Thank you. Its astonishing how good folk are, especially on here. And I note you joined up on our anniversary. cheers
Been looking this afternoon at a few ads and checked out this MoT on a possible RR of interest: is there any concern that after an average of 4k a year it then does 47k the following year? Or have it read it wrong again?

Date tested11 March 2015
Mileage78,856 miles
MOT test number2787 3097 5039
Test locationunavailable until further notice
Expiry date12 March 2016

Advisory notice item(s)
  • Nearside Front Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
  • non obligatory mirror missing
  • gear box oil leak

Date tested7 March 2014
Mileage31,749 miles
MOT test number1470 9666 4061
Test locationunavailable until further notice
Expiry date12 March 2015

Advisory notice item(s)
  • Offside Rear Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
  • off side rear tyre several cuts in to tread
What are advisories?
Date tested7 March 2014
Mileage31,745 miles
MOT test number7777 2676 4096
Test locationunavailable until further notice

Does seem a bit bizarre.
Does seem a bit bizarre.
I suspect an MOT mileage check on mine would also seem bizarre. 10 -15k mpa until I got her. Then approx 4-6 k for a few years, followed by under 1k per year for the last couple of years. Someone doing a lot of motorway miles, each day, can soon up the mileage. Or like some on here running off to France on a whim or driving through the edges of Russia, every now and then. I'd be more bothered if it went down 47k , rather than up ;)
@Frenchdame What it failed or passed on previously is immaterial. The present condition of the vehicle is the important bit. If the wear and tear on seats/pedals/ etc don't fit the mileage then start looking closely. Instead of checking Mots check paperwork for jobs done. I'm not going to continue teaching you to suck eggs, I'm sure you know all the bits that really count. Good luck with your search, I hope you find one soon :)
I suspect an MOT mileage check on mine would also seem bizarre. 10 -15k mpa until I got her. Then approx 4-6 k for a few years, followed by under 1k per year for the last couple of years. Someone doing a lot of motorway miles, each day, can soon up the mileage. Or like some on here running off to France on a whim or driving through the edges of Russia, every now and then. I'd be more bothered if it went down 47k , rather than up ;)
@Frenchdame What it failed or passed on previously is immaterial. The present condition of the vehicle is the important bit. If the wear and tear on seats/pedals/ etc don't fit the mileage then start looking closely. Instead of checking Mots check paperwork for jobs done. I'm not going to continue teaching you to suck eggs, I'm sure you know all the bits that really count. Good luck with your search, I hope you find one soon :)

It's all good advice reminders though - I've looked at cars over the years and forgotten all I intended to check. Only once though did I really get caught: a D2 purchased in the dark from a dealer in Fife eighteen months ago. It had everything including a look-alike plastic chassis! :(
You are not hijacking but sharing. I promise I WILL take your advice. I guess it's not only the worst time for you but also for family and there are very few words that give any kind of comfort. Are you still able to get out and about, do you have help? I have an inkling of how your family are feeling and I just hope you have good friends around you and lots of support. I'm pleased that you took time to post a few words. Stay in touch and i'll let you know where I'm up to. I've been spending an hour this afternoon checking MoTs on a number of RRs and I'm astonished at the discrepancies. The dealer says one thing and the MoT says something different. Then when you check out the dealers reviews they seem to be either written by the staff or by people carrying out a vendetta against them. Any advice would be very welcome and thanks again for giving me perspective on life.
Thanks for the nice kind reply.At the minute I'm still able to get about and I had an assessment for driving and passed that fine so get in my old disco at any opportunities.I think my family struggle more than I do.We try to do as much as possible together.All I'd say is make as many good memories as you can while you still have the love of your life with you and do whatever you can manage to give her a lovely time
I think you are a star. Those are my sentiments exactly. And the memories are important - its great that I can drop a hint to the wife such as 'do you remember when you dropped that ice cream down my shirt in Cornwall......' and immediately she starts telling stories about those times, and they're mostly accurate. I know its a b.....y upsetting thing, but as YOU know it could be so much worse. I'm so glad you posted again today and told me about yourself. Thank you - it's been a massive boost.
I think you are a star. Those are my sentiments exactly. And the memories are important - its great that I can drop a hint to the wife such as 'do you remember when you dropped that ice cream down my shirt in Cornwall......' and immediately she starts telling stories about those times, and they're mostly accurate. I know its a b.....y upsetting thing, but as YOU know it could be so much worse. I'm so glad you posted again today and told me about yourself. Thank you - it's been a massive boost.
Wish there was something constructive i could do to help but try to take comfort in the fact that people care and are far kinder than i ever gave them credit for ,to my shame. I'm sure many people on here are sending you lots of good vibes and support.
Wish there was something constructive i could do to help but try to take comfort in the fact that people care and are far kinder than i ever gave them credit for ,to my shame. I'm sure many people on here are sending you lots of good vibes and support.
Thank you Joemac.......thank you very much and I share all your thoughts, especially about the kindness of our Zone family. My very best wishes are with you......from both of us

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