This thread has driven home to me the fact that among us enthusiasts (& sufferers) of green oval products there are many who, in addition to dispensing advice to assist other owners, are warm sympathetic folk who care about the concerns & problems of others that go far beyond broken gearboxes & dodgy electrics. Reading such posts has made me feel humble & I thank those who have helped restore at least some of my faith in human nature.
This thread has driven home to me the fact that among us enthusiasts (& sufferers) of green oval products there are many who, in addition to dispensing advice to assist other owners, are warm sympathetic folk who care about the concerns & problems of others that go far beyond broken gearboxes & dodgy electrics. Reading such posts has made me feel humble & I thank those who have helped restore at least some of my faith in human nature.
Sums up everything I feel about LZ. Humbled to be part of it. Thank you and best wishes especially to Joemac & family
Sums up everything I feel about LZ. Humbled to be part of it. Thank you and best wishes enpecially to Joemac & family
Not as humble as I feel, after my scare 11 months ago, it made me and my family realise how much we all love each other and now can say how we feel. I was brought up "old school " where to show feelings was a weakness. What a load of bollocks. If you feel it say it while you can, you may never get a second chance. God bless you and the better half and to you Joemac and family and any other forum member who is going through a tough time. You don't have to suffer alone, that's one thing owning a RR makes you realise, were nothing unless united by a shared challenge.
Not as humble as I feel, after my scare 11 months ago, it made me and my family realise how much we all love each other and now can say how we feel. I was brought up "old school " where to show feelings was a weakness. What a load of bollocks. If you feel it say it while you can, you may never get a second chance. God bless you and the better half and to you Joemac and family and any other forum member who is going through a tough time. You don't have to suffer alone, that's one thing owning a RR makes you realise, were nothing unless united by a shared challenge.
That's a lovely attitude and a really nice thing to say. I totally agree with you and know where you are coming from. I've been really lifted this week by the posts from the LZ 'family'.
Thank you so much for your good wishes,it means a lot.Now go and enjoy yourself with your beautiful lady and make the most of life.She,ll love you even more for it
Oh and please let us all know how you're both doing and what you've been up to from time to time.Be good to know when you have some good days together.Best of wishes and health to you both Joe
Cheers Joe. Managed a trip together into town for a cuppa and a little wander around the market, now in front of the wood burner and I think she'll be having a small wine later (not if I pour it) and I might manage a beer (or two). Hope you and yours have been having a good weekend. It's done me good this week - proud of you and the zone. Colin
Cheers Joe. Managed a trip together into town for a cuppa and a little wander around the market, now in front of the wood burner and I think she'll be having a small wine later (not if I pour it) and I might manage a beer (or two). Hope you and yours have been having a good weekend. It's done me good this week - proud of you and the zone. Colin
Good on yer mate,I go to hospice every Friday and have a check then stay there all day.Its always a relaxing time.I have a lot of trouble swallowing so they make me special food. I'm so glad youve had a good day.We went to a local lake this morning and just sat in the disco and watched the birds in the water for a couple of hours.Was nice in the sunshine.Enjoy your evening mate.Joe
Been checking the insurance possibilities on a RR and I'm horrified - or shouldn't be surprised. I've got one years NCB on the van and 9+ on my D2. I think it might be cheaper to run the Disco on my one year NCB and use my nine year on as RR. They're asking £571 basic, not including personal accident etc with a company called Watford Insurance. Or if I use my 9 years NCB with a company called Covea and a named driver, I get free breakdown, homestart and legal expenses. But then I have to switch the D2 insurance. Am I missing a more simplified way of checking insurance than going on comparison sights?
Been checking the insurance possibilities on a RR and I'm horrified - or shouldn't be surprised. I've got one years NCB on the van and 9+ on my D2. I think it might be cheaper to run the Disco on my one year NCB and use my nine year on as RR. They're asking £571 basic, not including personal accident etc with a company called Watford Insurance. Or if I use my 9 years NCB with a company called Covea and a named driver, I get free breakdown, homestart and legal expenses. But then I have to switch the D2 insurance. Am I missing a more simplified way of checking insurance than going on comparison sights?

hi mate

have u tried A plan insurance , tell them as well u belong to a forum , very helpful

think my d3 is group 33 and rangie was 40
hi mate

have u tried A plan insurance , tell them as well u belong to a forum , very helpful

think my d3 is group 33 and rangie was 40
Cheers - very useful. I'll have a look online now. Got a short list of two in my area (50m radius) and as the D2 is getting the dinitrol treatment at the moment, with a five year guarantee, I really want to keep it because I know if I get rid of it, I'll cry.

Cheers - very useful. I'll have a look online now. Got a short list of two in my area (50m radius) and as the D2 is getting the dinitrol treatment at the moment, with a five year guarantee, I really want to keep it because I know if I get rid of it, I'll cry.

Just to add to the above re my short list: I've just made another check and I find that both motors are the subject of a LR safety recall: is that up to the dealer to put right or do they sell the car to you and tell you to sort it yourself? Or do they not mention it if you don't?
Just to add to the above re my short list: I've just made another check and I find that both motors are the subject of a LR safety recall: is that up to the dealer to put right or do they sell the car to you and tell you to sort it yourself? Or do they not mention it if you don't?
Hello Colin hope you're both well,I think if you're dealing with the main stealers they should be fully aware of any recall and take the appropriate action to fix whatever needs doing as a matter of course.especialy a safety issue.I would insist on any such work being properly carried out before buying or walk away Joe
Hello Colin hope you're both well,I think if you're dealing with the main stealers they should be fully aware of any recall and take the appropriate action to fix whatever needs doing as a matter of course.especialy a safety issue.I would insist on any such work being properly carried out before buying or walk away Joe
That sounds very reasonable Joe. there are two dealers - I'll see how they deal with it but my feeling is that no dealer should sell a car without checking it's history and outstanding recall requirements. If we amateurs can do it, then the dealerships should do it as a matter of course and good business. I also find it interesting how many dealers can't be bothered replying to emails sent over weekends or evenings. They're either lazy or just prefer to walk-in customers. Hope you had a good week-end. Colin
That sounds very reasonable Joe. there are two dealers - I'll see how they deal with it but my feeling is that no dealer should sell a car without checking it's history and outstanding recall requirements. If we amateurs can do it, then the dealerships should do it as a matter of course and good business. I also find it interesting how many dealers can't be bothered replying to emails sent over weekends or evenings. They're either lazy or just prefer to walk-in customers. Hope you had a good week-end. Colin
Exactly mate, I would expect it all to be part of an inclusive package and to receive the self same level of treatment as a prospective buyer of a new vehicle.I have bought a number of very costly hgvs over the years and even at the beginning when going for cheap secondhand I always had outstanding treatment because they were glad of the my business.We did have a good weekend thank was nice here so went to local lakes for couple of hours.
Forgive my ignorance but is the RR Vogue 3.6 TD V8 auto the one with the iffy gearbox?
On the subject of insurance Colin,I have a d2 same as you with 9 years NCD etcI use Hastings direct and with lots or extras added in just had my quote for the next year and it's £214 fully comp with 250 excess, windscreen 60 excess roadside gf recovery,trailer and load whilst attached to6k courtesy car if need etc.Think that's pretty good.It gone up £10 since last year do illI argue about that.Obviously not the same as a more expensive RR but just a ballpark.My Freund has a special edition P 38 Beujolais 100 built,and gets a good deal from NFu mutual,pays £310 but not sure of all the frills
On the subject of insurance Colin,I have a d2 same as you with 9 years NCD etcI use Hastings direct and with lots or extras added in just had my quote for the next year and it's £214 fully comp with 250 excess, windscreen 60 excess roadside gf recovery,trailer and load whilst attached to6k courtesy car if need etc.Think that's pretty good.It gone up £10 since last year do illI argue about that.Obviously not the same as a more expensive RR but just a ballpark.My Freund has a special edition P 38 Beujolais 100 built,and gets a good deal from NFu mutual,pays £310 but not sure of all the frills
Thanks Joe. BTW, the two requests I sent to dealers yesterday inquiring about going to see their RRs? No replies yet. Amazing!

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