Why exactly? I had no reason to believe there would be any problem, Longstanding member of this forum (a known quantity usually) especially with all the excellent communication I had with him, answering questions about it etc. before paying the money. Then nothing, just not normal in my view. hence why places like ebay score communication in DSR's.
It cost nothing to reassure the buyer. Especially if all he does is asks you very politlely as I did, "have you received the money OK?"
Look I didn't want to go into this anymore for the time being but it just seems like you are trying to goad me back into the middle of more of this mindless backwards and forwards "banter" path that the topic has taken. Instead of just letting things lie for the moment. End of rant. ;)

You really don't get it do you? STOP YOUR MOANING & GIVE OLD GREENIE TIME TO GET THE BLOODY THING OUT TO YOU. Any more whines then stick to pm's though don't expect him to be fast now after publicly slagging him off so much. If it doesn't come later on then reclaim from paypal.

Christ how many times do you need to be told.................
You really don't get it do you? STOP YOUR MOANING & GIVE OLD GREENIE TIME TO GET THE BLOODY THING OUT TO YOU. Any more whines then stick to pm's though don't expect him to be fast now after publicly slagging him off so much. If it doesn't come later on then reclaim from paypal.

Christ how many times do you need to be told.................

He'll need to be told....
Believes his views, ONLY his views and rhetoric are valid.....
****, Tony ferkin Blair's bought a Hippo and is living in Spain....:eek::D
That is as long as he paid via paypal?
He could of paid with Western Union.
I'll tell you what K thingy bobs if it hasn't turned up in another week or so which I think is a reasonable amount of time, i'll fuukin send you my old unit foc if you promise to stop flapping....just give the bloke a chance
well **** me sideways!!!!! chromyarse talkin sense boomer and gripper back on....WTF has the world come to?

i go out for dinner wiff a bird and the world is turned upside down while i'm out!!!!

what next the lord slob returning? HB and the munkee? yella??
well **** me sideways!!!!! chromyarse talkin sense boomer and gripper back on....WTF has the world come to?

i go out for dinner wiff a bird and the world is turned upside down while i'm out!!!!

what next the lord slob returning? HB and the munkee? yella??

Ooo was the evenin eventful ? :cool: :D
You really don't get it do you? STOP YOUR MOANING & GIVE OLD GREENIE TIME TO GET THE BLOODY THING OUT TO YOU. Any more whines then stick to pm's though don't expect him to be fast now after publicly slagging him off so much. If it doesn't come later on then reclaim from paypal.

Christ how many times do you need to be told.................
I was moaning at your fecking moaning again about moaning, which I wasn't I was stating a fact. Don't like it, don't fecking read the damn post! But no you keep coming back for more. It's like the TV, you dont have to watch it. :p
I was moaning at your fecking moaning again about moaning, which I wasn't I was stating a fact. Don't like it, don't fecking read the damn post! But no you keep coming back for more. It's like the TV, you dont have to watch it. :p

but when it keeps coming up in LZ live its hard not to.............
that is as long as he paid via paypal?
He could of paid with western union.
I'll tell you what k thingy bobs if it hasn't turned up in another week or so which i think is a reasonable amount of time, i'll fuukin send you my old unit foc if you promise to stop flapping....just give the bloke a chance
Time not important, just lack of contact, could it be any clearer?

evening Boomer.:)

Hows it hanging?

well **** me sideways!!!!! chromyarse talkin sense boomer and gripper back on....WTF has the world come to?

i go out for dinner wiff a bird and the world is turned upside down while i'm out!!!!

what next the lord slob returning? HB and the munkee? yella??

:D:D hey chaps, bad smells DO return, eh?? :D:D
Time not important, just lack of contact, could it be any clearer?
It was clear as a bell twenty somthing pages ago........and yes you could have been clearer, go for bold capitals next time as i'm a bit deaf.
Iv'e met hookers who with thier nickers down who flap in the wind less than you.
He asked for the money, gave you info on how/where to make payment if you wanted it......you apparently made the payment and gave delivery address details.....now just wait. This isn't fleabay with automated notifications some may confirm some may not, would it have been nice.....probably, but half the stuff i pay for I get nothing until it turns up through the letterbox.
Give it time.....iv'e already guaranteed i'll send you a unit if it goes tits up...although i'd make you pay for the international signed for side of it.
Time not important, just lack of contact, could it be any clearer?

I doubt he takes his PC on fishing trips! FFS grow a pair and stop behaving like a petulant child that wants his toy back. There only seems to be 2001ytd4 that agrees with you and he's only in it for the **** stirring.

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