Don't they bolt to the outriggers? Can't see the outriggers being different on a 5 door? I might be wrong mind:D
Don't they just bolt throgh the (Usully rusty sills)? I know the ones that my bro fitted went throug the sills with about 10 bolts. No good for jacking really as they didnt go to the chassis. Jai
Mine bolt thru sills and mount to outriggers. They dont have jacking points and, to be honest, wouldnt trust them to jack on. Although when the sills are replaced with box section - that might be different. I believe that if tubes were welded into the std sills then it would be another matter.


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not yet mate, he hasnt measured up my landorver yet, he is very busy at the minute. i have also found out the 3 and 5 door discos have different mouniting points so the ones hes gunna be making will be for 3 door until he gets a 5 door for patterns etc. i will let you all know when he has made the first set

I had a look and measured my 3 door and 5 door and the mounting points are the same so is the wheel base
by the way guys, i have spoken to the guy who is goin to make them and they will only be produced if i can get 10 definate buyers.

so can we have a list please. copy and paste the list and add your username

if he can get more than 10 the price could drop somemore he has told me. but at the moment he can do 10 at 110 posted per set.

I would, but no money ... and nephew has promised to make me a set amongst other things.

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