
Well-Known Member
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It with great happiness that Im going to shut blacksheep down end of March, Im still making parts til then .
Im just posting to say thanks for landyzones support and the people who bought my stuff:D
It with great happiness that Im going to shut blacksheep down end of March, Im still making parts til then .
Im just posting to say thanks for landyzones support and the people who bought my stuff:D

Do you mean that?
It'll certainly be a sad day for 'fender owners.
Really sorry to hear this, as a 4x4 specialist elsewhere I know your products are popular with our clients, my very best wishes for the future
It with great happiness that Im going to shut blacksheep down end of March, Im still making parts til then .
Im just posting to say thanks for landyzones support and the people who bought my stuff:D

not enough business?
costs too high?
no "you" time?
VAT bill due?
not enough business?
costs too high?
no "you" time?
VAT bill due?

I work 7/15
Bad health, long hours bad conditions
Plain worn out

Main problem customer of my engineering stuff bought my workshop whilst I was in hospital and is evicting me 1/4/14. , I cant find any workshops in my area sub £500 per week so thats that
I work 7/15
Bad health, long hours bad conditions
Plain worn out

Main problem customer of my engineering stuff bought my workshop whilst I was in hospital and is evicting me 1/4/14. , I cant find any workshops in my area sub £500 per week so thats that

yu could still run a business. get someone else to do the grunt work. yu dont have to be based where yu are, yu could move.

yu remain owner and DA.

possible partnership?
Thanks for the comments but its not a sad day, now if I was laying anyone off then it would be.
I hate metal work and I see it as a good thing as its forcing me to re evaluate things otherwise Id be in there ten years from now wondering what if and no doubt very bitter.

Anyway its not for 2 months:D
£500 a week for a workshop, no wonder you're binning it, that's nuts, and they wonder why nobody wants to start a new business
Very sorry to see a 'proper' bloke packing it in. The "fender" boys will sorely miss you.

It has to be asked, what are you going to do now?

Has the Landrover world lost your you for good?
Good luck in the future, I hope your health picks up. I don't like metal work for other people either especially repairing rot but I do like my own projects, I need an outlet for whats going on in my head. Perhaps after a break you will be the same and we will see you back on hear with something.
So whats the deal on cross members ?

Sorry to here your news
That's a damn shame that.

I never met you but I've seen your work and love it .. but if you're not happy then health and happiness are far more important than pleasing us lot!

All the best however the future works out for you!

PS .. any more of those 'open' style front turrets available? .. now I have a Defender, like .. ;)
I'm really sorry to hear you're packing up. But every cloud and all that.. Got any cheap machinery for sale????? :D

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