What stock you got left? Any of those bolt on recovery loops that fit the 4 bolts on a disco?
Hi Clive really sorry to hear this, I'm sure many will agree that this is a massive loss to the landy world, but ultimately your health and happiness comes first. The book of life is brief and our chapter even shorter. I'm confident the future will be bright, you're a talented chap and won't be short of work! :)

Before you decide to pack up, can I make one last order for a rear x-member.?! I would like a TD5 set up but to fit a 300TDI...is there any small chance.?!

Again all the very best Clive!
Sorry to hear about this, Clive.

I wish you all the best, and hope that we will continue to get the benefit of your experience here on LZ.
Crazy that a talented bloke can't make decent money :mad:

Hope something new and inspiring comes your way
sorry to hear of your impending closer of yet another essex based engineering firm.
your particular style of engineering is only one of many types lost in the last 10/15 years through various reasons, and now engineering as a subject for school leavers becomes no more less attractive.

As an ex aerospace production machinist in all the disaplins I too worked my nuts of each night for very long hours for very long years, ending up multi skilled and out of work.
It was at that time in my life (55 years old) that I chose to start a new life as a retired old bar-steward rather than be a dead older bar-steward a few years later.
11 years later I`ve have achieved so much, done so many other things I never ever thought possable.

Clive, always look forewards, never look back, only in fondness for your personal product.
I often look in the skies at planes on final approach to LGW or LHR and smile,
and think, just maybe they fly on my handiwork....a great feeling.
good luck, and bon voyage in april mate.
Good luck to whatever you do next fella. From a fellow fabricator.

How big is your workshop for £2k a month?
Christ! I pay a grand a month for 5000 square feet with a 2 ton overhead crane!

Bloody southern prices.

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