
New Member
Hi all,
I have an off road td5 (used to be my main car until I wrote her off) that I use across my fields.
She hasn’t ran for years as my battery was dead, then had switched polarity etc and well time goes on and she’s been left. I’d tried at the time using the code to immobilise the immobiliser with the door etc but it didn’t work but this was before I knew something was going on with the battery.
Now my key blade was loose from the fob and I had it in the front section of a handbag with some superglue to fix it and you guessed it… Ive now list part - the key fob part!
I do have another key for her but it’s a basic key and doesn’t have a key fob.

I know to get her going again I’ll need a new battery, and can possibly get a new key fob (know it’s about £100 to do myself like I did with my 300 years ago but I need to be able to override the immobiliser).

But - do you think I can get her going without the expense of the new key fob (as I’ll probably at some point find the lost one). I don’t want to spend much to get her running but I ideally need her going to tow some bits around the fields that I need to move.

how easy are the immobiliser bypass things to do yourself?

also any suggestions of any mobile mechanics who could come and see if she can run again that won’t rip me off etc (I’m between Blackpool and Preston)

how easy are the immobiliser bypass things to do yourself?
HI, it's easy once you have a proper diagnostic tool(nanocom or similar) otherwise it's impossible to DIY provided you know the EKA code to remobilise it first... also you need diagnostic tool for the fob as well to sync it unless you buy from these guys who will give you the EKA code too but if you connected a battery wrong you might have more serious problems
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Yes I have the eka code, I’ve previously bought from the remote key place and done it fir my 300 I had. I do also know how to connect a car battery….
I think it may be possible that the OP meant that the batt got so flat it itself switched polarity.
I have tried to charge old batts up with my fancy new charger with loads of programs and it too warns me of switched polarity when failing to charge one.
Stanleysteamer you’ve got it in one!! Battery had been left a long time and drained completely and yep found out when trying to charge it.

Sierrafery - I do know what switched polarity means - literally now that’s twice you’ve tried to insult me…
Sierrafery - I do know what switched polarity means - literally now that’s twice you’ve tried to insult me…
No such case... re-read this thread from the beginning maybe you'll understand what's about... too bad if that's how you feel after i was trying to help you based on your own statement ... i'll be more cautios in the future to not "offend" you at all
Charlotte, no one is trying to insult or offend you, only help. Ive been working on cars for 50 years and never heard of a battery reversing its polarity so Ive learned something new. I know its easy to read a comment and take it the wrong way, many of us have done it. If you feel insluted or offended by any of the above comments please refrain from posting in the 'anything goes' section cos thats where we rip each other apart.

Charlotte, no one is trying to insult or offend you, only help. Ive been working on cars for 50 years and never heard of a battery reversing its polarity so Ive learned something new. I know its easy to read a comment and take it the wrong way, many of us have done it. If you feel insluted or offended by any of the above comments please refrain from posting in the 'anything goes' section cos thats where we rip each other apart.


Having read the introduce section I wonder what the previous user name was?
As for being insulted, I don't see it.
Many peeps think when they write down stuff everybody should know what they are talking about.
To ask for more clarification can sometimes come across as " teaching somebody to suck eggs" or something like that. But as a previous user of this forum, then navigating it should not be a problem. So seeing previous help that @sierrafery has provided for Disco owners, I think the OP will end up on their own as it seems that as a previous member there was issues with who I don't know?
But If I was to make a judgement call on this 1 :rolleyes:.

Just my observation of course:).

I think the OP will end up on their own as it seems that as a previous member there was issues with who I don't know?
Seriously…. Where or why are you assuming that there were any issues with anyone?!?! I’ve stated in my intro post - i can’t get on my old account! I can’t reset the password as I no longer have access to that account which the email was registered as because Hotmail closed it as it hadn’t been used for years - I’d set that email up when I was 21… I’m now 39.
previously I’d found this forum so helpful, never once did I feel insulted or questioned etc which is why I’m so shocked at how I seem to be being treated now. Im entitled to my opinion and feelings.
Charlotte, no one is trying to insult or offend you, only help. Ive been working on cars for 50 years and never heard of a battery reversing its polarity so Ive learned something new. I know its easy to read a comment and take it the wrong way, many of us have done it. If you feel insluted or offended by any of the above comments please refrain from posting in the 'anything goes' section cos thats where we rip each other apart.

Thanks Col,

I know quite a lot re car batteries as been working with them for electric fencing for 22 years, with many batteries in use at any 1 time and recharging etc so maybe I’ve assumed everyone knows they can switch polarity whereas maybe not many realise it. There is a way you can faff to reverse it back but you’ve got to get it completely flat and tbh it’s too much faffing for me. I’ll definitely give the ‘anything goes’ section a miss but may pop on there for a nosey to figure out people’s characters etc :)
Seriously…. Where or why are you assuming that there were any issues with anyone?!?! I’ve stated in my intro post - i can’t get on my old account! I can’t reset the password as I no longer have access to that account which the email was registered as because Hotmail closed it as it hadn’t been used for years - I’d set that email up when I was 21… I’m now 39.
previously I’d found this forum so helpful, never once did I feel insulted or questioned etc which is why I’m so shocked at how I seem to be being treated now. Im entitled to my opinion and feelings.
Pretty unusual for any members not to have been insulted.
Standards must be slipping! ;):D
previously I’d found this forum so helpful, never once did I feel insulted or questioned etc which is why I’m so shocked at how I seem to be being treated now. Im entitled to my opinion and feelings.

Yep we all are entitled.
But what I will say again is.

Many peeps think when they write down stuff everybody should know what they are talking about.
To ask for more clarification can sometimes come across as " teaching somebody to suck eggs" or something like that.

Then you said this. Well actually before I said that.

Sierrafery - I do know what switched polarity means - literally now that’s twice you’ve tried to insult me…

Now there are people here that ask for help, and get it.
There are people that give help and ask.
And there are peeps here that just give, and stay the course to help get it sorted.

As I also said as a previous member you should know your way around and done a search before jumping in which I am sure you did. You would have come across many post by the same member who you consider insulted you.

If I had a Disco, I would be grateful to have somebody like that on my side when I had problems. I dont but I do follow many threads.
As I dont own a disco I guess our paths wont cross anymore:).

You fixed it yet?

also any suggestions of any mobile mechanics who could come and see if she can run again that won’t rip me off etc (I’m between Blackpool and Preston)

Any mobile diagnostic tec that can resurect a dead Disco will not be cheap as you pay by the hour and as it's a farm hack probably not worth it...
I'd still go with post #2 and then get someone with a diagnostic to turn off all the immobiliser bits, if that is at all possible.
As you own it getting the EKA code off a LR dealer shouldn't be difficult.
Much of it is "turnoffable" I believe, @sierrafery knows much more about this than I do!
TD5s aren't so easy to work around the immobiliser stuff as 300 tdis are. Sadly.
Please don't be too hard on us.;)
There was a post on here a little while back by a bloke who had connected his up with the negative to the positive etc.
It does happen!:(:(

My dad said he used to have a car with a positive earth! I always wondered what the pros/cons would be for +ve earth versus the now universal (???) negative earth?

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