My dad said he used to have a car with a positive earth! I always wondered what the pros/cons would be for +ve earth versus the now universal (???) negative earth?
My first few cars had positive earth. There was a reason which I can't remember, maybe something to do with getting a better spark?
again, google is your friend!
I think it do with the mistaken belief that electricity flowed from positive to negative, then the boffins decided it was the other way round. In reality it dont make any difference unless like me you try to fit a neg earth radio in a pos earth ford anglia.

Interesting to note that the op doesn't seem to have been online since June 23rd.
Posts were strained to say the least, some people never appreciate the help they receive on this forum.

A fair-weather blow-in? Probably doesn't acknowledge other motorists on the road who let him/her in - probably just expects it?

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