Ive had some sort of reaction on the top of my wing dont know what happend but here it is :(
looks like some sort of petrochemical reaction ( probably some sort of oil residue on the wing )

or could possibly be too cold for the paint to cure properly or fast enough

what sort of paint are you using if its cellulose wipe the pannels down thoroughly with a rag full of neat thinners before spraying and allow it to evaporate

if yer using a compressor and gun id purge the water out of the tank and check the pump isnt throwing oil past the rings into the air mixture or similar if your using an inline oiler or lubricator on the air line take the fooker off as it can be contaminating the paint in the gun

also if you have one use an air line moisture trap just to back yerself up ( they can catch an amazing ammount of oil in the air line )

one of me standard tricks also is before painting anything speshuly first thing in the morning or if the compressor has been stood for a while put a quick connector in the end of the air line to open the bugger at full bore and blow the moisture out of the line itself

if yer using 2 pack epoxy type paint yer need a little more reactor in the mix than yer using and throw about 10% clearcote in with it for an extra hard and shiny finish

hope this helps
I've had that recently with brand new good paint. It was caused by the paint being warmer than the thing it was being painted onto. I stuck the door panel I was doing in front of a heater to get it warm enough and it solved the problem....didn't solve my cackhandedness or drips though....
looking good mate,have to say,i like the way u have kept the battle scars,keep the charachter to it! and be carefull with the nitromorse,bacause that was used to stip my paint in places,and its starting to come off,and flake up! i didnt spray it by the way! :D
NB:- in earlier posts the wings have been stripped back to bare metal then primed hardly would have thought Nitromors would still be there.
Thanks for all your replies but still unsure what it could be. Its not cellulose, it's vehicle military paint from ebay. Oil isn't getting past the rings and also i have a water trap coming off the compressor so i don't think its water. I will have a good look around on the internet see what it may be also it cant be orange peel as it looks very different to that, Rattle is right does look like 'rotten zombie skin' haha
Thanks for all your replies but still unsure what it could be. Its not cellulose, it's vehicle military paint from ebay. Oil isn't getting past the rings and also i have a water trap coming off the compressor so i don't think its water. I will have a good look around on the internet see what it may be also it cant be orange peel as it looks very different to that, Rattle is right does look like 'rotten zombie skin' haha
as i said its a reaction between the 2 coats your new one and original ,you can either remove old paint or use a barrierr coat between
as i said its a reaction between the 2 coats your new one and original ,you can either remove old paint or use a barrierr coat between

Ahhhhh, sorry James i did not see your post my mistake. What do you mean by old paint? because its all new paint just a bit confused :confused:.
looking good mate,have to say,i like the way u have kept the battle scars,keep the charachter to it! and be carefull with the nitromorse,bacause that was used to stip my paint in places,and its starting to come off,and flake up! i didnt spray it by the way! :D

It always looks better with a bit of Character mate haha, Im using panel wipe to get the nitromorse residue off, thanks for the concern though.:cool2:
Here's something I found whilst i was grinding the back paint off. Forgot to put this piccy up before, its where the dust from when been grinding the paint dust has stuck onto a Fairy sticker that must have been there at some point
Ahhhhh, sorry James i did not see your post my mistake. What do you mean by old paint? because its all new paint just a bit confused :confused:.
ah if there was no old paint and it was bare metal it must have been thinners or what ever you cleaned it with
Here's something I found whilst i was grinding the back paint off. Forgot to put this piccy up before, its where the dust from when been grinding the paint dust has stuck onto a Fairy sticker that must have been there at some point

Has it still got one ?

You can get the silver stickers on ebay :p
I have found that the 'zombie skin' can be caused by the metal being too cold relative to the spray (on tractors anyway) or to thinners in the spray nozzle from cleaning.

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