Got a bit done today here is the bonnet all primed up :)
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All grinded finally :bounce: took awhile. Fort i woulg get this sanded down first before i did the priming on the bonnet to try and keep dust down to a minimum :)
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Didn't get much of chance to upload yesterday but this is what i got up to :) I began with sanding down the side skirts and a bit of the other wing. Then got them primed up, i hope it all looks ok and sorry about blurry pics i didn't realize until i got the uploaded :(.
looking good. have to say i am particularly envious of all these people that have adequate indoor work areas, must be great at this time of year.

Next time i move a heated double garage is a must
looking good. have to say i am particularly envious of all these people that have adequate indoor work areas, must be great at this time of year.

Next time i move a heated double garage is a must
yeah it is great but still very cold i cant wait to get a heater for the place :cool2:
Was really happy with the work i got done this Weekend not many interuptions as is what normally happens when you you want to crack on :) here is the wing i forgot to take a pic of the other one but it is the same almost.

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