
New Member
Hi I have had my landy a few months now and decided to respray it. Firstly I took the bonnet off and started to take the many layers of paint off using an angle grinder with a rust/paint removing disk took about 30mins not as long as first thought pheww. Just couldn't seem to get close enough to where the rivets are so I have used good old nitro morse took ages to get off as the paint was well on. So here is a few pics of I've got on so far.
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All grinded off and just after I put the nitro morse on I forgot to take a pic of that step :(
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hope you didn't wear through any of the ally if you're using a grinder to strip it!

those flap disks even at 80 grit are rough enough to go through bodywork, ideally wants to be given a whiz over with that just to get the bulk off then do the rest by hand IMO
Took the bonnet hinges off and wire brushed and used sand paper to get the paint around the rivets (with the nitro morse applied)
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hope you didn't wear through any of the ally if you're using a grinder to strip it!

those flap disks even at 80 grit are rough enough to go through bodywork, ideally wants to be given a whiz over with that just to get the bulk off then do the rest by hand IMO
I was a bit skeptical my self but it was ok didnt seem to take and off the metal off and what I am using its not the flap disks. I bought these off off eBay item no 251210581668
Hi there, I like the bare ally look mind, you could do the whole car like that, clear coat it and leave it!:cool2:

I don't know anything about bare metal resprays but it seems to me to be more involved than a rub down and splash of nato paint with a roller. If you do it right I reckon you could end up with a top finish. Be careful with that ally bodywork, you may need a special primer then some kind of build up primer to smooth the metal back to flat. I guess you could bondo the whole panel but that would be a PITA to sand back and messy.

Good luck. One things for sure, it will look better than my Sunday afternoon efforts :D
Yeah the ally look is pretty cool and would be something completely different dont get me wrong i was thinking of that haha.
\yeah you need a special primer its called 'etch' primer i hope it will look awesome bare in mind this is my first time undertaking anything like this and what a great piece of machinery to do it on xD. Im pretty confident that the etch will cover up the vast majority of the marks as it is quite thick stuff.
Yeah the ally look is pretty cool and would be something completely different dont get me wrong i was thinking of that haha.
\yeah you need a special primer its called 'etch' primer i hope it will look awesome bare in mind this is my first time undertaking anything like this and what a great piece of machinery to do it on xD. Im pretty confident that the etch will cover up the vast majority of the marks as it is quite thick stuff.

Sounds good. Good thing about painting something like a Series Landy is you can always sand it back and do it again if it doesn't work first time.

Like this maybe?

Years ago did my series 1 and left it bare for a few months this helps the paint to key to the bare alloy. Reduces the need for etch primer.

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