cornish rattler

Well-Known Member
Hi guys
Yep glutten for punishment i no, anyway over the last few days me, son and his g/friend's dad have been talking about getting a 1970 S11a swb petrol on a J plate for restoring as son's g/friend's dad saw it whilst errecting scaffolding last week ( his company ) so he knocked on the door and asked if it was for sale and the owner said yes so after us all having a talk about it son's g/friends dad bought it as a wedding gift for when the two of them get married in a couple of years time, so after i finished work last night son took me to look at it and it looks pretty good with a couple of recent repairs to the bulkhead and a recon'd engine a couple of years back and over the 40 years he has owned it he wax oiled it every year or so but we will be replacing it anyway for a galv one.

so once we have finished replacing our 90's chassis we will start restoring this one so watch this space :D
We took delivery of the 2a yesterday so this morning i had a quick look round it and i wasn't impressed of what i saw, it was everything you would of expected if bought for little money but future bro in law paid 2k + transport and this is what i found the chassis was soposedly never been welded and was wax oiled for most of its 40 year life, the chassis had a few patches here and there, the rear X member had been repaired underneath but was original and the dumb irons are rotten as a pear, the bulkhead has had recent repaires done to it but it is still a mess as the n/s/door hinges are welded to the bulkhead, there is a full length plate welded in across the bulkhead where the coil,regulator and other stuff would bolt onto but no holes drilled to fastern stuff on and everything is hanging down, the dash is hanging out and the wiper mech isn't fitted in place and just laying on the bulkhead and just over the vents it is very rotten, other than that the body looks ok, the engine sounds ok but will need checking over as will the gearbox and axles, so just deciding which way to go atm :(:confused:
Here are the pic's of our newly aquired s2a


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And a few more


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And these are from after it was jet washed


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Congratulations. Looks reasonably complete. I see someone's been quite generous with the white gloss too. I'd be interested to see what's under the paint on those A posts.

Looks like you'll be keeping busy over Christmas.
Hi guys
Due to the trouble i had with my laptop back in January and only just getting back on yesterday i will bring you all back up to speed in the week so watch this space :D
Right we only got back into stripping it down a fortnight ago after i removed all the doors a couple of months ago so these are from removing the doors and seatbox


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The tub with the rear seats and carp removed


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Removing the roof and sides with the 2a roof stood up next to the later 90 roof we plan to fit to the 90 later


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Removing the tub


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