
New Member

I really hope someone can help because this one is really foxing me. I'm having a problem with the blower system. There seems to be an issue with the directing of airflow to the vents. When I push the windscreen de-fog preset button the fan powers up to full as usual and re-directs the air to the windscreen;however, when I press it again to turn it off the system should return the airflow back to the dash vents as previously set but it doesn't! Air flow ceases to the window and no longer flows from the vents. The fan is still working and I can still increase and decrease power but no matter what I do, air flow will not return to the front vents. The only way to resolve the issue is stop the car, turn off the ignition and then back on, only then will air flow through the dash vents again. It's nearing winter so I need to get this sorted. If anyone can shed any light it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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it might be the vent flaps are stuck/gummed up with debris/fluff/dirt and are unable to physically open. U need to get the pollen filter off and have a look as well as inside behind the dash i reckon
As above...

Might be wise to get in on decent diagnostics and check the operation of the distribution flaps just to ensure they are free to move through full range of motion.

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