
New Member
Hello all,
Hope someone can help me out here!! I just bought my range rover 2.5 DT N reg year 1996 off a guy on the internet on sunday.i took it to the garage yesterday to have the battery replaced which was done but the said i had quite a large drain on the battery which would need checked by an auto electrician and advised me to disconnet the earth lead on the battery overnight etc.I have done this but reconnected the lead this morning and now my alarm is going off when i stick my key in the ignition to start with the keycode lock out message.The key wont lock the doors etc etc.I am in DIRE need of some help on this if anyone can help me out it would be a fantastic help thanks!!
Hi unfortunatley he gave you some bad advice.
You need to enter the EKA code and resynch the key to the car.
In disconecting the neg lead the BECM has lost synch.
You should have a 4 digit code called an EKA code.
to enter it you need to make sure all doors and boot and bonnet are closed. All the dorrs need to be unlocked. Do this manually.
The put your key into the drivers door, and do 4 locks (turns to the rear), then the required number of turns to unlock, followed by 2nd number of locks, then unlocks, then locks. finally press the unlock botton on your fob and turn the key to unlock whilst keeping it dipressed. This should then resynch your key and allow you to start.
Note that you must wait for the keycode lock out messegse to disapear. This can take upto 30 mins.
Battery drain is an issue, I have installed a solar charger on mine to trickle charge while stood.
Hello and thanks for your reply! Unfortunately I don't have any code as I bought the car of a private seller on Sunday. As for the key turns could you possibly tell me the exact sequence of the turns in each direction etc if that's at all possible anyway? Thanks again
can you not ring the guy you got car off and ask him if he has eka. if not you will need your log book to get it from a indy or main dealer. where are you.
Hello I rang the guy but now he is being an idiot and telling me nothing! Took the cash and having nothing more to do with the car or me basically ! I have the owners handbook and the new keepers slip from the v5 that's all I have really! Any info or help at all is grateful thanks
Typical !!!!
Get down to the Main Stealer a.s.a.p. with the V5 slip and the VIN, together with some I.D. and they will get the info off the database. Whilst you are at it, ask them for the radio and lockset keycodes.
The main dealer will gove you those free of charge. (The only thing they will do)
if you was say 4533. then after 4 locks, you do 4 unlocks, 5 locks, 3 unlocks, 3 locks, then finally 1 unlock whilst pressing the unlock on the remote.
the 4 digit number is the EKA code.
Sounds like you bought of a bit of a pillok.
Hope it all works out ok for you.
Thanks for that guys! The guy seemed ok on the day of purchase obviously as he was getting a sale but being a complete arsehole now! Just goes to show eh? Are the codes unique to each car or are they the same for all 2.5 DT,s so to speak? Thanks
I am in Edinburgh! the keycode lockout message seems to stay on continuously when the key is in but havent really checked if it goes off when i lock the car but i am presuming it does after a short period if thats what you meant before i try the eka code etc?
go out and try this 4 times to the back then 1 to front 5 to rear 1 to front 5 to rear it tis a emg code and sometimes works lets know how you get on
Thanks very much for that!! will try it first thing tomorrow and will post the results i got family visiting this evening so wont have the time just now.
fingers crossed tho
forgot to ask do i need to lock all doors etc and keep my finger pressed on the unlock button on fob for the last turn?
Thanks again
I am in Edinburgh! the keycode lockout message seems to stay on continuously when the key is in but havent really checked if it goes off when i lock the car but i am presuming it does after a short period if thats what you meant before i try the eka code etc?
The lockout will last for 30mins during which any attempts at entering the EKA will just start the 30 mins again.Until this has gone out just leave it alone.
had the very same problem with my p38, i got loads of advice from here, just have a look at my post!
i couldn't still get it to work so i ended up getting the aa to tow me to my local garage where he reset the computer and sync the fob back to the car, it only cost £60.
All the doors need to be unlocked before you start entering the EKA code.
Also the indiactor lights should flash as you enter the EKA code.
If you make amistake when entering, just open and close the drivers door. This allows you to restart the sequence.
It is a frustrating exersize I have to do it frequently, and it doesnt always work first time.
Hello all,
quick update! Just wanted to say thanks for all your help on this thread but i have managed to sell the range rover on as it is!Unlike the idiot i bought it from i was honest with this buyer regarding the cars issues!
Thanks again
The main dealer will gove you those free of charge. (The only thing they will do)
if you was say 4533. then after 4 locks, you do 4 unlocks, 5 locks, 3 unlocks, 3 locks, then finally 1 unlock whilst pressing the unlock on the remote.
the 4 digit number is the EKA code.
Sounds like you bought of a bit of a pillok.
Hope it all works out ok for you.

Dave you are a legend!!!!! after the **** week ive had with fuel problems and spill rails the dam thing locked me out:doh: etc... nothin i did worked until i did the EKA code AGAIN:mad::mad: but this time pressing the lock button like you said and it worked a treat.... THANKS FOR THAT HELPFULL TIP.

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