For the price of it I may just get the transmission jack at least then I have it for the future... going to pick up the ply wood at the weekend and think I will use sleepers, the wood yard does 20 foot long 9” by 3” for £20 a piece which seems like a bargain to me, also I have noticed the low range doesn’t engage it just flashes to say it’s trying but never quite gets there, oh and the rear wiper has stopped working, the drivers door card has come loose, the sunroof has started leaking, the rear suspension squeaks like an old vegetable truck the reversing sensors have stopped working and it now smokes it’s tits off when you start it from cold after being left over night ( will take video tomorrow) I am guessing this is the valve stem seals... but first things first.... get the gearbox done... god I have missed having a Range Rover!!!! Oh and to top it all a tree fell through the roof of my house yesterday so got that to sort now too!!
Have you had all your codes read to see if it throws up any errors before you pull it apart ?
You could always try a transmission oil and filter change before taking the dive and the colour of the fluid would give you a good idea of whats going on and reading the codes could tell you about the overheat strategy.
I replaced all the cooler pipes, cooler, and stat when i did mine as well.
Have you had all your codes read to see if it throws up any errors before you pull it apart ?
You could always try a transmission oil and filter change before taking the dive and the colour of the fluid would give you a good idea of whats going on and reading the codes could tell you about the overheat strategy.
I replaced all the cooler pipes, cooler, and stat when i did mine as well.

I haven’t had the codes read yet, need to invest in a decent code reader but will take it to my local ‘specialist’ (had a REALLY bad experience with them) and have it scanned I know it will have some on there about a misfire as the previous owner ran it out of fuel just before I bought it and it had the engine light on for a while but that went out after a good run, I was thinking of just changing the oil and filter and cooler etc, but as the TC is in such bad shape, (it shakes the whole car and the revs jump about 750rpm at a time) so I think it’s really stuffed and figured while I have the box out to do the TC I may as well pull it apart and see how it looks, I doubt bad oil would cause the TC to behave the way it is also it occasionally ‘snatches’ low gears when you slowing down for a junction it seems to select first too soon and the car lurches, and it sometimes it jumps into the next gear when accelerating as if it wasn’t really ready to change gear.... (like when you over Rev a Manual before you take out the clutch when changing gear)I’m not holding any false hope but @holidaychicken @Saint.V8 do you think it would be worth doing the oil and filter first and see if it helps? I suppose if I drop the oil out and it resembles my wife’s gravy we know we’re in trouble :D
If the TC is fluctuating that much and it is really shaking as bad as you say, a fluid/filter change will almost certainly do feck all as I think the 'damage' is done! - the correct LT71141 (CHECK THIS REFERENCE NUMBER AS I AM DOING IT OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD!!) is quite expensive and you could be changing it only to find it makes no difference, and when you rebuild the box, you'll need even more adding to the expense.

The harsh downshift is/was a common occurrence - I believe it is/was an ECU software issue that can be 'corrected' with a firmware update on the gearbox ECU - do some googling on ZF 5HP24 harsh downshift and see what pops up!
If the TC is fluctuating that much and it is really shaking as bad as you say, a fluid/filter change will almost certainly do feck all as I think the 'damage' is done! - the correct LT71141 (CHECK THIS REFERENCE NUMBER AS I AM DOING IT OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD!!) is quite expensive and you could be changing it only to find it makes no difference, and when you rebuild the box, you'll need even more adding to the expense.

The harsh downshift is/was a common occurrence - I believe it is/was an ECU software issue that can be 'corrected' with a firmware update on the gearbox ECU - do some googling on ZF 5HP24 harsh downshift and see what pops up!

Thanks, i will definitely look up the ecu issue, I just thought it was related to something in the box on its last legs, so I am a little relieved it may just need an update! Makes a change to get a pleasant surprise when your range develops a fault!
Thanks, i will definitely look up the ecu issue, I just thought it was related to something in the box on its last legs, so I am a little relieved it may just need an update! Makes a change to get a pleasant surprise when your range develops a fault!
Don't build up your hopes mate, fingers crossed.
Haha, that is the golden rule with owning a Land Rover! Don’t build up your hopes, expect the worst, hope for the best and it’s usually somewhere in the middle!
Hope your selling tickets when you do this job. I've done a couple of manuals on my own but the auto looks a bigger unit.
Hope your selling tickets when you do this job. I've done a couple of manuals on my own but the auto looks a bigger unit.
I don’t think anyone would want to watch me work the underside of the car will be very blue! If it’s anything like my old p38 every single nut and bolt put up a fight to the death! Everything had to be roasted with a blow torch and beaten into submission! I remember when I got the box out I thought to myself never ever again am I doing this... I hated the car with a passion then got the new box in and took it for a drive.... all was forgiven! Well until it fecked up again about 3 months later!:rolleyes:
I was only covering our collective arses a little bit in case you took the transmission out, rebuilt and fitted a new torque converter and the problem was electronic but from what you are describing it certainly sounds like the at least the TC is on its way and there is not too much that is difficult once the box is out. You may need a couple of special tools that you can make yourself fairly easily if you have access to a basic welder which is just for compressing the individual clutch packs.
Ant is quite right of course regarding the oil and filter changes as he nursed his TC for quite some time at great cost and not much effect most likely.

Here is my spinning Jenny of a bench press
The judder is the TC and gearbox rebuild jobby...the harsh downshift was/is a firmware issue from what I can recall.
I was just thinking along the lines of seeing what the transmission solenoids were up to, not that i know much other than what they look like and where they are, roughly..
It would be a good idea to get an overall picture of any other faults lurking, if any.
Ant, i saw your old steed on ebay for sale, it's not far from me - listing as possible crank failure which is very unusual for the 4.4 ?
I was just thinking along the lines of seeing what the transmission solenoids were up to, not that i know much other than what they look like and where they are, roughly..
It would be a good idea to get an overall picture of any other faults lurking, if any.
Ant, i saw your old steed on ebay for sale, it's not far from me - listing as possible crank failure which is very unusual for the 4.4 ?
No way! Just put 2 and 2 together, Ant I read your post about your L322, wow you had some bad luck with the old girl, I think I would have lost the plot and set fire to it in France!! Glad to see you finally got it back into the UK though!
The gearbox solenoids.. I am going to sound stupid now, but what is their function? Just so I can try and see if they have a fault as I guessing they won’t ‘look’ knackered, @holidaychicken i love your bench press, thats great! I have a big MIG welder (owned old much welding:() so I can make the tools needed, do you know the diameter of the rings? Or did you just fab them up as you needed them?
I'm not sure his L322 went to France, that might be his P38.
We are in need of a Bemble / RRPhil really as he could tell you the DNA of the guy that built your transmission but then Saint could probably tell you his parentage to at least 3 generations.
If you don't have Rave, then you must have Rave, i'm not talking the all night party from the 90's.
In my limited knowledge, the valve block tells the fluid where to squirt, the solenoids tell it when, the ECU is in charge.
You can see mine all lined up along the bottom of the pic and you see them when the sump is removed.
solenoid 2.jpg

IMG_1494 - Copy.jpg
It wasn't saint who had the failure in France, it was the guy he sold it to.
For the full story, look for "anyone want to watch an L322 burn" or something along those lines.
It's a sorry tale unfortunately.
That's so heartbreaking....
The description says - possible sheared crank - so I guess he still hasn't had a UK garage confirm the absolute cause.

I feel so gutted for the guy, in the 5 years I owned her, she was a beast of a car and we went through a number of 'challenges' together, but never let me down totally to a point I couldn't fix her - the only head scratcher was the diagnostic bus failures that all of a sudden corrected themselves, never got to the bottom of that one!!

I am so so gutted.....I hope they guy gets a break and in the future begins to love Range Rovers again.

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