Wunt HB on hols end of June? How about 7/8 July then? It is a month or so away, but when talking in the boozer the other night it seemed about the next time no-one was on hols...............er, or was Adz away then? Oh, I dunno!

I reckon I'm around for all those dates so c'mon then all, when we goin'?
ffs heidi, yer got a month to get it sorted, if yer spent the daytime when yer sat playin on ere instead of workin fixin the dibnah you would have it done in a week
so Yella! - put ya money where ya mouth is - come along in ya landy.
I challenge ya!
ya big whoosey - bet ya bottle out:D
Well, I'm ok fer 7/8th, so's Daft. Jabba may be ok fer one of the two. Anymore fer anymore?

Yella? Hee hee.
Don't even know yet when I'll get the shift rota. I'll be bringing the Pink Stiff One. Wife doesn't want hers trashed yet and I'm banned from playing in the P38 5.0 'cos I bent it last time it went off road! I tell you, that wife 'o mine has no sense of adventure!
I'm away from 23rd june to 1st july. So 7/8th july is good fer me. Am supposed to be workin but will git out of it somehow! :D
Usual way then HB, show the boss yer wabs?

Ere' Jabba, you ain't gonna be dissappointed in a (fairly) tame days laning in the feckoffmobile are ya? I stick as close as poss' to the GLASS code of conduct so no winching yerself over barn rooves!
I need some tame stuff. The wife don't like to come with me when I play rough. Wouldn't winch over a barn roof anyways, normally just drive up one side, accross the roof, then down the other side!
Dont yu fink it mite be polite to let Sirus know where we is gonna be? I got his mobile number tho to guide him in, if necessary
Sorry guys, can't be with you this weekend. The BIG PINK STIFF ONE is sick. Many have told be I shoulda gone for a diesel but hey, V8's just sound so much better, even when they only run on 5! Have fun and hope I get another invite as I would like to bring the wife out to enjoy the countryside. Keep the shiny side up!!

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