Oh, well it would be with that positively capacious loadbay!

What do you deliver, book matches? Stamps? Microchips?
nah! I wud just get ribbed for "posing". i mite bring it when i is a passenger tho, sumtime;)

Marcus - Geraldine was just thinkin yu was a "nice man" regarding the buying a lr - until the "etchings" were mentioned - I dont think she is too keen on yu now;):eek:
Marcus - Geraldine was just thinkin yu was a "nice man" regarding the buying a lr - until the "etchings" were mentioned - I dont think she is too keen on yu now;):eek:

Bet she really dunt like me then :p

Mind you - I'm sure the 'giving her the 25k to 30k change...' part probbly had something to do with it :D
oi! enuf of the "ol'".
yu see, M - i did fink about yo old one - but someone told me it was crap. come to think of it - it were yu:D.

if yu think i am payin good munney to drive summat into a tree or rip the bottom orf - fink agin. yurn new 1 werent too bad a price.

i fort this was pretty good but they stopped the sale
Kinell Daft, wot is it with you & mahoosive injuns? Woulda needed a LOT of work. Hope it weren't the original series transfer box, can't see that lasting long.

Wouldn't have sold you me 90 neither. FFS, I dunt hate you!
Thank you Adz fer sortin' the video's out for us so everyone can see. Will get some more film on 6th May then?!! In sunny surrey...

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