The conditions this morning were very much job and knock, anyone seeing my truck this morning must have thought my house was on fire and I was trying to beat the fire engine there:p
Indicated wind speed can have its advantages. Specially on landing.
I might have to explain how I got the truck up to 73 mph though :oops:

Give it the moo :p
Don’t forget during your blolocking, when he asks how the effing jeff would you stop going that fast, say “oh I wouldn’t attempt to stop at that speed”.
Had cause to do 1.5hours of motorway today, I did half the journey at 45-50 and the other half at 55-60

45-50 felt VERY vulnerable. 55-60 much better.

Mine is a H reg 90 and will cruise at 60-65 gps indicated speed and yes it uses more fuel but not *that* much more.

If your G plate 90 doesn’t feel safe above 50 I would say there is something wrong with it.
No they just turn their blue light on and off they go. Outside of working hours they just join the queue like the rest of us.
There's a world of difference between 45-50mph and 50-55mph on the motorway.

I tend to do 55-60 and the ambulance seems happy.
No they just turn their blue light on and off they go. Outside of working hours they just join the queue like the rest of us.

Think you missed my point. Clearly when on duty any emergency response vehicle with blue lights will use them and i'm sure that the OP wouldn't get in their way.

My point was - is it fair for people who are in no particular rush to hold up those who actually have somewhere to be going.

Is it fair that someone who has worked a busy shift takes longer to get home to their family because someone else would rather drive at 45 than 60?

Is it fair that a courier, for whom time on the road really is money, can't do as many deliveries in the day because he's stuck behind slow drivers?

or - should we all show a bit more consideration to others and not create unnecessary traffic jams.

I try to drive at a speed that suits the road conditions. If for whatever reason I have to travel slower (e.g. towing) i try to find somewhere to pull over if i know i'm causing a jam on non motorway roads.
Try living in the countryside, in the winter / harvest time it's following tractors at 28 mph, in the summer it's caravans going not much faster even on dual carriageways. Added to that yesterday I had a long line of lost BMWs and Audis turning round outside my house as all these Londoners came up to stay at their friends country houses and got lost.
I get slowed by others every day, it's just normal overcrowded traffic in the UK.
Think you missed my point. Clearly when on duty any emergency response vehicle with blue lights will use them and i'm sure that the OP wouldn't get in their way.

My point was - is it fair for people who are in no particular rush to hold up those who actually have somewhere to be going.

Yes it is. It's a democracy and the people who are in no particular rush have just as much right to be on the road as everyone else. As long as they are not endangering other road users.

Is it fair that someone who has worked a busy shift takes longer to get home to their family because someone else would rather drive at 45 than 60?

See point 1 above

Is it fair that a courier, for whom time on the road really is money, can't do as many deliveries in the day because he's stuck behind slow drivers?

Then their employers should take into account the real world conditions in which we all drive and pay them accordingly

or - should we all show a bit more consideration to others and not create unnecessary traffic jams.


I try to drive at a speed that suits the road conditions. If for whatever reason I have to travel slower (e.g. towing) i try to find somewhere to pull over if i know i'm causing a jam on non motorway roads.

And I, and many other drivers out there, are grateful for that and very much appreciate your politeness..
That isn't necessarily the same as the Courts judging it to be a problem.
It was a problem enough to get them to follw a motor for 4 miles (probably more) and then take action. 5mph more and they might not have been interested.
It was a problem enough to get them to follw a motor for 4 miles (probably more) and then take action. 5mph more and they might not have been interested.

Maybe they just wanted to check him out for some other reason. Not really read the whole thing, but I have known the police to use excuses for pulling people over, if they didn't get the result they were expecting.

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