Motorways are the lifeblood of this country and need to be as free flowing as possible.

At a minimum you should be travelling at 56mph so as not to hold up trucks.
I've just got my speed down to 38mph going up the hills on the M1 past Sheffield. 23 pallets of a well known pasta sauce and a pallet of rice to Morrisons Wakefield :p
Does anybody even use lane 1 anymore!? When I venture onto the motorway in the Landy I’m usually the only bugger in it, apart from lorries. Everyone else seems happy to treat the outside lanes as ‘ordinary’ driving lanes, especially National Express coaches - they’re all driven by inconsiderate c*nts!
Motorways are the lifeblood of this country and need to be as free flowing as possible.

At a minimum you should be travelling at 56mph so as not to hold up trucks.

I wasn't holding any trucks up at 50, the traffic wasn't heavy and there was plenty of space in lane two. I was inconveniencing trucks because they had to look in the mirror, indicate and move over a lane, they should be looking ahead and planning their actions rather than staying on cruise control or keeping their foot down till they were six feet from my towbar then flashing me because they couldn't get into lane two because they were travelling side by side with a slightly faster truck and blocked in. I see no reason why I should stay off motorways just in case I inconvenience a truck driver
I wasn't holding any trucks up at 50, the traffic wasn't heavy and there was plenty of space in lane two. I was inconveniencing trucks because they had to look in the mirror, indicate and move over a lane, they should be looking ahead and planning their actions rather than staying on cruise control or keeping their foot down till they were six feet from my towbar then flashing me because they couldn't get into lane two because they were travelling side by side with a slightly faster truck and blocked in. I see no reason why I should stay off motorways just in case I inconvenience a truck driver

If you're going slower than trucks and causing them to overtake you, then you are going far too slow.

Hand yer license in- you're a danger to other road users and yourself.
Got people talking this one aint it.
On a side note miltary vehicles are limited to max 55 mph, old snatch landrovers, 4 tonne dafs and the like mainly due to the off road bias tyres.

This must be a fairly recent ruling then, back in the 'eighties I drove a variety of road tankers & can well remember military LR's, even some with trailers, passing me on the motorway when I was doing 65 (tacho reading) & on one memorable occasion whilst doing just short of 70 a Bedford RL four tonner (remember those old girls with their 300cu in. petrol engine) loaded to the gunwales with squaddies & their kit passing me with apparent ease in lane 2 :eek:
This must be a fairly recent ruling then, back in the 'eighties I drove a variety of road tankers & can well remember military LR's, even some with trailers, passing me on the motorway when I was doing 65 (tacho reading) & on one memorable occasion whilst doing just short of 70 a Bedford RL four tonner (remember those old girls with their 300cu in. petrol engine) loaded to the gunwales with squaddies & their kit passing me with apparent ease in lane 2 :eek:

When I say restricted what I meant was a big sticker on the dash saying " max speed 55 mph" :D all safety briefing included max driving speeds on motorways before we travelled no taco in military trucks.
Whilst you are absolutely right that it is up to the trucks to pay attention and avoid slow traffic and that the fact that there is no legal minimum limit means the law is on your side ( although the fact you got pulled is perhaps a hint) it is a real and dangerous world out there and having “ I was in the right” inscribed on a tombstone will not bring anyone much satisfaction.
Whilst you are absolutely right that it is up to the trucks to pay attention and avoid slow traffic and that the fact that there is no legal minimum limit means the law is on your side ( although the fact you got pulled is perhaps a hint) it is a real and dangerous world out there and having “ I was in the right” inscribed on a tombstone will not bring anyone much satisfaction.
The only way to avoid trucks is to drive at 65 and my Landy isn' happy at that speed, so the only alternative is to drive at 50 and let them go by or stay off the motorway.
You don't need to avoid trucks. It's the truck's responsibility to avoid you. You just need to avoid causing potentially dangerous situations.
From the RAC.

Minimum speed limits

Minimum speed limits are rare in the UK, but they do exist in places where going too slowly can cause increased congestion or high risk of a crash, such as in tunnels.

They’re marked by a blue, circular sign containing the minimum speed limit, while the end of a minimum speed limit is signalled by the same sign with a red line through it.

Although there isn’t an official minimum speed limit on most motorways, travelling too slowly can be considered dangerous and you might attract the attention of the police.

In this case, you’d usually be let off after a verbal warning, but you could be prosecuted for careless driving.

From me.

Ok so you maybe can't drive at 50 coz the traffic cops are bored and you maybe can't drive at 50 coz you might inconvenience the lorries!!!
If you drive a lorry you definitely aren't supposed to drive in the outside lane.
Lorries are supposed to be regulated to 56 so any time they're overtaking its at a mile or two per hour faster than the other lorry. Therefore you are causing less inconvenience at 50 coz the lorries can pass you quicker???
How often do you see lorries pulled for overtaking in the outside lane?
And, to take it to extremes, lorries all inconvenience cars coz they all do max 56 on 60 and 70 mph roads.
F*****g can of worms this one. Love to see that argued through the courts.
Finally blame HSE (not that HSE!! the health and safety one)
Do you use your landy for work?
Does it have a coshh assesment detailing that ear protection must be worn at speeds of over 50mph. Oops, no that won't work, can't drive with both ears restricted (ie headphones etc coz you wont hear warning signals.
Hmm, no real point to this post, just the musings of a cynical mind. :)
I wasn't holding any trucks up at 50, the traffic wasn't heavy and there was plenty of space in lane two. I was inconveniencing trucks because they had to look in the mirror, indicate and move over a lane, they should be looking ahead and planning their actions rather than staying on cruise control or keeping their foot down till they were six feet from my towbar then flashing me because they couldn't get into lane two because they were travelling side by side with a slightly faster truck and blocked in. I see no reason why I should stay off motorways just in case I inconvenience a truck driver

If you were causing trucks to pass you, than yes you were holding them up.

Perhaps it's time you upgraded or maintained your land rover if it struggles to maintain a reasonable speed.
If you were causing trucks to pass you, than yes you were holding them up.

Perhaps it's time you upgraded or maintained your land rover if it struggles to maintain a reasonable speed.

Land rover will maintain 55 easily but then trucks struggle to get past.
If l have to pass a truck then he is holding me up.... what's the difference ?
Because those trucks are carrying a substantial amount of goods that contribute to the UK economy. Your little car does not.

Why can't your land rover maintain 60?
I drove artics for over 40 years and learned how to read the road ahead and overtake slower vehicles. I rarely got held up even by 40mph cranes.
Landy uses more fuel at sixty and l hold up traffic in lane 3 if l need to overtake two trucks, traffic bearing down on me at 20 or 30 mph more than I'm doing which is worse than trucks catching me up at a few mph more at 50 in lane 1
And don' tell me to stay out of lane 3 l have every right to be there
The difference is that at 55 you are not causing the potentially dangerous bottleneck that you are doing at 45-50 ( your original statement)

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