
New Member
I'm currently considering using the PTO shaft hole of my 2a for the exhaust. The perky turbo exhaust manifold is on the offside, so al I need really is to follow the gearbox closely , tuck in behind it with a 90 degree bend, and then a 90 degree bend in the opposite direction to follow the PTO hole all the way to the back. The silencer could easily sit under the rear tub. Has anyone ever done this in the past? Does it work? Will I need a heat shield?

The benefits would be a neater, higher exhaust. It would be better protected from big rocks and dead animals, giving better ground clearance.

i havent prsonily done it bot i would imagin it would need a heat sheil as the do get bloody hot. Also has it got enuff clearence so it will miss the het sheld by a gd 20-30mm so it last longer
this has been done loads of times, it does look tidy but dont forget it will stick out a tad
oh i forget about that - well it's one i aquired via a virtual friend of reds off another forum via a man who had it in his garden for a few days after putting in a 200 - i did want it orginally to replace a mates TD which had died and as he'd just had twins he'd was pennyless, when he found out i had a spare 200 he "found" a couple of hundred quid and i fitted it for him as my good deed for the decade

i've had the TD running on a mates test bench and it sound a right good un - looks to have had a pretty good overhaul not so long ago - there's no alternator and what looks like a slight leak on the injector rail but apart from that it appears all good

i was pondering putting it in my series but i have gotten a v8 urge now so it's not going to be doing much - other than sitting there reminding me how little i got for me spare 200

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