Sue I sent it again with an altered route, back from parkamoor but make sure I've chosen the right one

It was showing two options so I went with the one I thought it was but as said not been on it for a while so probably the wrong one :doh: I've got a feeling I should have put it on the one going through the trees not the one on bare land :eek:
Sue I sent it again with an altered route, back from parkamoor but make sure I've chosen the right one

It was showing two options so I went with the one I thought it was but as said not been on it for a while so probably the wrong one :doh: I've got a feeling I should have put it on the one going through the trees not the one on bare land :eek:

OK, just my view on this.

I can live with laning in the snow, not sure I see the point of driving over Hardnott and Wrynose on tarmac, potentially on ice.

If you are not using any local knowledge of these lanes, and judging from a few checks on trialwise, you aren't.

Why dont we beg a route from someone like Paul D. I know he has one.

At least them we will be legal
will try and remember how it works.. got it but not used it as prefer paper...

working tonite, but will try get to it over the weekend...

You just download the file to documents. Them in memory map go to import. Change the box at the bottom from mmo to gpx file type. You will then see the one you downloaded. Click on it and it opens (eventually)
please put pat and myself down for the lakes
just in case a place comes free
cheers mick (any idea on dates will need to book off work)
OK, just my view on this.

I can live with laning in the snow, not sure I see the point of driving over Hardnott and Wrynose on tarmac, potentially on ice.

If you are not using any local knowledge of these lanes, and judging from a few checks on trialwise, you aren't.

Why dont we beg a route from someone like Paul D. I know he has one.

At least them we will be legal

As I said I've not driven them in ages, the ones I remember well are bootle, grizedale and the hawkshead ones but finding them on that silly online map is doing my head in :mad2: cant find anything where it is!

I'm fairly certain I've marked them out correctly but best to "check them" in fact a good option would be to get paul to check them against his if he's used to all the techno map crap. If not I'll be sitting down at the dining room table with some paper and OS maps doing it the old fashioned way or on google earth as I can use their software

Oh to wynrose and hardknott if its icy they'll be shut and off limits anyway just out of common sense and theres routes round so they're not a problem
Actually screw it I'm using google earth :) I'll shop it on as an overlay onto a standard map after I make it up, far easier that way
As I said I've not driven them in ages, the ones I remember well are bootle, grizedale and the hawkshead ones but finding them on that silly online map is doing my head in :mad2: cant find anything where it is!

I'm fairly certain I've marked them out correctly but best to "check them" in fact a good option would be to get paul to check them against his if he's used to all the techno map crap. If not I'll be sitting down at the dining room table with some paper and OS maps doing it the old fashioned way or on google earth as I can use their software

Oh to wynrose and hardknott if its icy they'll be shut and off limits anyway just out of common sense and theres routes round so they're not a problem

But the maps, OS or Viewranger dont show the TRO's or advisories.

To do it properly you need two or even three computers set up in a line. I use one on memory map, one on trialwise and the third on the local council one. Are you a trailwise member, if not you cant use all of the search facilities or comments.

To do it any other way is just about impossible, at least for me.

I you are a GLASS member you can also use their forum to do a final check on anything in doubt.
Actually screw it I'm using google earth :) I'll shop it on as an overlay onto a standard map after I make it up, far easier that way

do it your own way m8... its your trip...

anyone else wants it on anythin else its up to them...

ya cant please everyone...
But the maps, OS or Viewranger dont show the TRO's or advisories.

To do it properly you need two or even three computers set up in a line. I use one on memory map, one on trialwise and the third on the local council one. Are you a trailwise member, if not you cant use all of the search facilities or comments.

To do it any other way is just about impossible, at least for me.

I you are a GLASS member you can also use their forum to do a final check on anything in doubt.

whats wrong with mutiple tabs on one lappy?
But the maps, OS or Viewranger dont show the TRO's or advisories.

To do it properly you need two or even three computers set up in a line. I use one on memory map, one on trialwise and the third on the local council one. Are you a trailwise member, if not you cant use all of the search facilities or comments.

To do it any other way is just about impossible, at least for me.

I you are a GLASS member you can also use their forum to do a final check on anything in doubt.

I'm going off memory for most but this was about two years back, not been out in that long :eek:

I used to use it on cumbria councils site but they've removed the maps……should have downloaded them instead of just bookmarking
Right as I've done it on google maps it means I can make two routes on the same page and overlay…….so depending on the situation road wise we can make a call on wynrose and hardknott on the day

Personally I'd like to do them as the drives real nice and its a great drive just getting there but only if the roads are half decent if not this can be spliced out easily

For those of you using an ipad this map can be uploaded IIRC and then you can just zoom in and out no need for wireless or 3G signal
LOL, must just be me, I get really confused with lots of tabs open on one machine :D:D

And it wont be me following the paper maps, I wouldn't be able to see them anyway.

I will just follow the Landy in front, just don't get us arrested or whatever it is they do when you stray from the legal routes :D:D
I'm doing it on google maps as I can work of satellite pictures :) I'll PM paul and check with him on the grizedale/parkamoor one as them two confuse me

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