hell no im driving

You are already first reserve cause I just saw that 200 and his son only have one landy between them :D:D And there are one or two others that might not make it.

1 - nick2303
2 - lowey
3 - Maddogminder
4 - defender11069
5 - Dr Evil
6. Defenderdog1

1- DavidSally
2- - Steve999
3 - stenova
4 - One Stop
5- Dizzytim
6- Johnlad

Group 3

1. Gdhaydock - leader
2. 200
3. Difflock
4. Suew
5. Nrgserv-provisional at the moment
6. Sarah90

Reserve List

I'd just like to put it out there…….if sheep shaggers joining this trip he's in my group :D we shall be known as the fun group and attempt not to #### up :eek:
whatever happened to using paper maps :p I can print A3 and send google map pages!

Just been trying to use that site and it kept trying to make a complete loop out of the greenlanes I was marking

i do paper maps...

well r lass does... she doesnt like turning the laptop (mem map) upside when heading south, cos i laugh at her...
We'll play musical landies in the groups once theres a final list I think :p just to further mess with things!

Draw from a hat methinks ;)

Can't do that :eek:

Defender 11069 and Lowey will want to go with Nick (who can lead)

Sarah90, Difflock and me want to go with Zip and Neil (Zip has volunteered to lead this)

Don't know about the other group but I know Davidandsally can lead and it sounds like Stevova can as well.

You could move Brian (Maddogminder) out of group one for TD5power

If you draw out of a hat you could end up with you, me, sarah, diff and TF5 in a group with no leader and no one to rescue us :eek::eek::eek::eek:
One person with a winch per group could be a good idea if its snowed heavily actually

I've got no problem leading or hanging in the middle and sharing the noise :D
I was just trying to work out which was the scarier option. I'll take the noise please :D:D

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