:lol: odenne and LB.... you have so made me laff with this fred :D:D:D

lol made me chuckle too, couldn't look at the yoghurt in the fridge this morn without a smile:D

we have to be easily pleased when all we have is men like you:p;)

Oi, cheeky, i is all man fank you very much

and you know what, i think we got away with it, i dunt fink many (other than the highly initiated and intuitive Minty) picked up on what we wuz ackshirley talking about you foxy foxy little sexpot you, you know where i'd like to take you again you cheeky little minx, don'cha, heaven and back over and over you kinky little devil you:D:D:D
Oi, cheeky, i is all man fank you very much

and you know what, i think we got away with it, i dunt fink many (other than the highly initiated and intuitive Minty) picked up on what we wuz ackshirley talking about :D:D:D

i weren't talking about you, i know you're all man after last night:p:p:D:D
i weren't talking about you, i know you're all man after last night:p:p:D:D

:lvhug-035::lvbed-032::lvlove-143::lvgay-098::lvfrench-kiss-008: You sure taught me a think or 2 or 3 :D:DOh and thanks Minty, clearly lost on the masses but not on you!!!:D
:lvhug-035::lvbed-032::lvlove-143::lvgay-098::lvfrench-kiss-008: You sure taught me a think or 2 or 3 :D:DOh and thanks Minty, clearly lost on the masses but not on you!!!:D

I was too busy ****ing to reply :p :D :D
:lvdate-062:Yeah, i was a bit sticky this morning - i think you missed a bit :D:D:D :lvhearts-151:I will never look at Olive Oil in the same light next time i'm making a dressing with it...and as for the whipping cream, i'm glad you brought it and used it as directed :D:D:D:lvlove-126: