Wind up is what yer have to do to landy's to make em go:(, fraid its the truth Oddi spotted me on A38

FFS Stumpy, i fort we wuz gonna keep that a little secret between me n you, along with the fact that you fookin painted the think pink and airbrushed "Honk If Yer Horny" down the side!
I couldn't agree more no, that got a bit samey after the fourth go, honey and yoghurt takes a bit more force to lick off - you bring the honey, i'll bring the yoghurt :D:D:D
ive just read this last page of posts to pikey on the phone and he said to let you know he's comin...............

and he'll be online later as well :eek: :rolleyes:
ok honey, can you keep the noise down this time tho,don't want the neighbours joining in like last time :eek:
FFS Stumpy, i fort we wuz gonna keep that a little secret between me n you, along with the fact that you fookin painted the think pink and airbrushed "Honk If Yer Horny" down the side!

I bet he's got "Man Love Rules OK" down the other side anorl. :(
I'll see what i can do but i do find it very difficult to keep the noise down when you do THAT to me (and you weren't exactly silent yourself either!!) Tell ya what, i got the gag and you can bring the gas mask, that should help keep the party a bit more private :D:D:D
i do an 8th a day,start 7am with bong an coffee,choclate bread,

7 05 am a pipe then at 712 am a bong them i go chainsaw till dark.then i get some more down.:D

i dont drink cos i bash coppers.:eek:

norty boy, :eek: I is very good and only play at night once kids are in bed, which is right about now:D:D