Where the fudge is tomcat59alan, its about now that i would post something like most people don't realise he is a raving transvestite :eek::eek:
Where the fudge is tomcat59alan, its about now that i would post something like most people don't realise he is a raving transvestite :eek::eek:
Maybe there's a pride march somewhere ;

In other news, guess who is sitting in the cafe at Gibsons again. Yep, me. Getting the MAF done, although none of us believe it's causing square wheel syndrome!
Was the MAF fault actually causing any issues or was it just showing a code?

The problem is the square wheeling is at a stage where it's difficult to say if the MAF was causing any problems. However, as it was showing on Caledonians diagnostics and on Gibsons the decision to change seemed the best way to go. If for no other reason than to be able to say,' no it's not an engine issue'. So Monday will be phone call and return the Golden Girl to Caledonians.
Issue is as follows: Transmission vibration occurs as soon as lock up clutch engages, the revs drop slightly and vibrations occur. It happens in 3rd, 4th and 5th gear but more noticeable in 5th, as revs are lower. By driving in triptronic and putting into 5th gear until the vibration starts, then drop into 4th, the vibration instantly disappears. There are no excess injector peak flow values when this happens and the MAF value remains steady.
Hmm, my vibration was low revs any gear and stopped when lock up clutch fully locked at around 56 mph, while it was vibrating the Rev. counter would sway slightly. Best way to recreate was to drive up a slight incline with constant but light throttle position and it wound vibrate and stop at 56 mph
Hmm, my vibration was low revs any gear and stopped when lock up clutch fully locked at around 56 mph, while it was vibrating the Rev. counter would sway slightly. Best way to recreate was to drive up a slight incline with constant but light throttle position and it wound vibrate and stop at 56 mph
It did that in the beginning, before the recon, since it came back all variables have been tried, and all point to transmission. Which it shouldn't be as I have just paid lots of beer tokens for , and I quote " Strip down auto trans, clean and rebuild auto trans to spec, including recon of TC" obviously with sundries done too.
It's too soon for me to have a major wobble, just a case of back to Caledonian Transmissions and let them fix whatever they missed in the strip down and rebuild. It doesn't take a genius to know that a rebuilt transmission shouldn't be playing silly buggers :)
These cars are a real pain unless you can work on them yourself, have you thought about getting yourself a socket set?:(
My RR days would have been really short lived if i hadn't dug out the tool box but really feel for you, mine cost me a fortune even doing the work myself.
The TC recon is a really specialist job for these transmissions but I guess they know that.
i have an article on rebuilding the unrebuildable torque converter.
These cars are a real pain unless you can work on them yourself, have you thought about getting yourself a socket set?:(
My RR days would have been really short lived if i hadn't dug out the tool box but really feel for you, mine cost me a fortune even doing the work myself.
The TC recon is a really specialist job for these transmissions but I guess they know that.
i have an article on rebuilding the unrebuildable torque converter.

I can do so much but there are some jobs I have to say my socket set won't work on this one. If I had a dry area to work in, (rather than my mechanic allowing me to use his business area , when not too busy) and if I didn't have a slight injury I would do a lot more work myself. As it stands I have to trust that the 'experts' do what they are paid for. Especially on jobs like the transmission and more so on the TC.
We'll see how it goes on Monday.
Good luck, i must admit, even with two of us and my mate being an excellent mechanic and a big lump, my transmission was pushing what we could do on my drive. I did just the transfer box on my own without a transmission jack and that was a real barstud !
Phoned the guys at Caledonian today. The Golden Girl is going back there tomorrow. As I'm ill again I was only half listening but I believe 'valve body' was mentioned. Onwards and upwards lads :)
And so it goes on. The guy at Caledonian is adamant it's not the transmission. Valve body / solenoid replaced. Vibration remains. Chats between the guys at Gibsons and Caledonian have produced a reluctant but possible answer. Caledonian are suggesting it might be transfer box or driveshaft , or, or , or......... So she is going back to the Gibsons guys.
In the meantime a question. I'm picking up car tomorrow, do we think they will charge me for the valve body work? Or is it covered by the full rebuild warranty? I just don't want to be taken for a ride by another garage.
Did someone mention Adam Ant?

Couldn't resist. Sorry.
What a headache...
I'd be for hoisting her up on a 2 poster, lowered carefully onto 4 tall stands to compress the suspension maybe 70%, then put in D and every visible rotating mass inspected whilst in 'motion' and every closed unit sounded out with a stethoscope or chassis ears.
With wheels on and with wheels off.
The 4 driveshafts are sliders, do they move freely?
Has one taken a knock?
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And so it goes on. The guy at Caledonian is adamant it's not the transmission. Valve body / solenoid replaced. Vibration remains. Chats between the guys at Gibsons and Caledonian have produced a reluctant but possible answer. Caledonian are suggesting it might be transfer box or driveshaft , or, or , or......... So she is going back to the Gibsons guys.
In the meantime a question. I'm picking up car tomorrow, do we think they will charge me for the valve body work? Or is it covered by the full rebuild warranty? I just don't want to be taken for a ride by another garage.
As the main reason for failure of the GM box is a faulty valve body causing a lack of pressure on the torque convertor lock clutch up leading to it's premature wear and failure, sending metallic debris into the transmission causing the entire system to need to be rebuilt, then i am sure they will be the first to admit that the first problem they would address would be the valve body........but i am definitely no expert
The valve body causes issues in the box....simply replacing the valve body doesn't fix the issues in the box!!

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