Could you not find a salvage prop, dozens of these being broken ?
Lots of them around but a bit pointless as I wouldn't know when the same issue would occur. Could be a year, could be a week. I don't mind 'used/salvaged' for some parts but financially the better option for this repair is ,repair the U/J. Just a shame RR are really ripping us off on this one. I knew when I bought her she wasn't a chips and gravy type of girl, so I don't mind the nice restaurant prices but they're charging champagne and caviar for this one! :eek::mad:
Oh hello Alan, just been released again then? X
Believe me I fed mine champagne and caviar at first but she didn't know when to stop see, she just kept wanting more and more I tells ya but I couldn't give her all she wanted and so she took all I had and then tossed me aside like one of Alan's crunchy socks and I couldn't take it so she fell down the stairs and now she is under the patio, wait a minute, that's the ex wife, the RR gets a fookin kebab and not even the proper meat one , the Alsatian on a stick one and loves it.
I digress, if you are happy to fix it that's your call of course it's just not a fault I have heard of so I would save my money for the dozens of more common faults.
I think it might be bed time :)
Oh hello Alan, just been released again then? X
Believe me I fed mine champagne and caviar at first but she didn't know when to stop see, she just kept wanting more and more I tells ya but I couldn't give her all she wanted and so she took all I had and then tossed me aside like one of Alan's crunchy socks and I couldn't take it so she fell down the stairs and now she is under the patio, wait a minute, that's the ex wife, the RR gets a fookin kebab and not even the proper meat one , the Alsatian on a stick one and loves it.
I digress, if you are happy to fix it that's your call of course it's just not a fault I have heard of so I would save my money for the dozens of more common faults.
I think it might be bed time :)
Hi Pal, Yes I'm out again. Only got 3 months for breaking into a £5 note, it was my first offence.;) Nothing better than a road kill kebab after a skinfull.:D JLR are taking the p*ss with the price of parts for the later models,another reason for hanging on to the 38's:D:D
Annnndddddddd ...... back on track ;) The repair is being done by
The upside of the L322s are they are now getting to an age where the problems are being looked at, and solutions found, by companies other than the stealers, and as such there are options opening up.
Although dog kebabs are taking the P, if you're going to be that cheap at least get her the real stuff, horse meat. :D
That was the company I recommended in your other thread about vibration through the seats.
And the saga continues... Got a call from Gibsons, Baileymorris apparently now telling them they are having issues and having to send the propshaft to their other place "in London". Good job I'm under house arrest with a severe chest infection and didn't need car back within the week promised by baileymorris!
And so it goes on.................... I can honestly say I won't be recommending baileymorris anytime soon. The golden girl will have been gone three weeks come Monday, all because we're waiting on baileymorris doing a job they said they would turn around in five days! I would've kicked off before now but lucky for them I have been quite seriously unwell for the last two and a half weeks, so they got extra time. They have said it will be here on Monday, but considering last week they said it would be here this week and on Wednesday said it would be here today, I have told guys at Gibsons if it doesn't arrive Monday to tell them to stuff it.
I'd rather pay £700 and get a part in two days than nearly £300 and still be waiting three weeks after it was sent to them.
@ GDM I wouldn't be so quick to associate with them, if I were you , they might be ok in some things but they're a serious fail on this one. ;)
@ GDM I wouldn't be so quick to associate with them, if I were you , they might be ok in some things but they're a serious fail on this one. ;)

I have not used them myself and have no intention of 'associating' with them. I mentioned them because they have been around for years, trading as Reco-prop, and lots of people in classic and modified car circles seem to use them. I replied in your other thread because they listed the parts needed to repair your prop-shaft. It seems as though you decided to use them incidentally, rather than because of me suggesting them, hence my previous post on this thread.o_O
Whatever the ins and outs, this time they're a fail. Monday is D-Day and if they fail to deliver, then it's onwards and upwards with OEM part. :)
Well the propshaft finally turned up on the Monday. Got it fitted and no idea what difference it has or hasn't made due to the vibration actually being caused hy the TC fail. So off to get that fixed now. Range Rover the gift that keeps on costing ;)
Well, good to their word , the car is ready and I will be picking her up tomorrow. However... they have said she is now reading a MAF fault! Rain and pours come to mind.
well of course it has another fault, that is how they are designed, its all about keeping you hooked, my RR is my pimp and i am it's ho, girlfriend :D (Too much ??)
well of course it has another fault, that is how they are designed, its all about keeping you hooked, my RR is my pimp and i am it's ho, girlfriend :D (Too much ??)
Nope just about right. It would could drive me to drink, if it wasn't for the fact I can't afford drink because of her.
Going by your previous career there is probably not much on here that is going to make you blush, i would imagine the forum swear filter would kick in way before yours;)
Going by your previous career there is probably not much on here that is going to make you blush, i would imagine the forum swear filter would kick in way before yours;)
I think you got that one just about right. Although it was amusing to see the guys blush when they remembered I wasn't actually a guy. :D:D

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