Got an hour in this afternoon.
got a coat of primer onto the sills,




then made a start on the top dash rail, it had some how started splitting and opening up the foam, don't know whether its been abused or just if thats how they go, anyway it looked crap so set about recovering it. started off by sanding the splits and filling them with some epoxy adhesive filler stuff,


there was a fair amount of damage,


the vinyl i ordered wrongly advertised so i ended up buying two meters of it because it was advertised as being not wide enough and it turned out wider so got plenty spare (vinyl headlining maybe):p


stretched and pegged whilst the spray adhesive dried,


not turned out too bad still damage still visible but didn't want so flat it too much incase it split again.



the outcome of yesterdays brake pipe accident,


whilst filler and primer was drying i fitted my new dash accessory, only for looks not functional unforunatly, starter button from a Spitfire ! ;)



todays small victory, got the drop arm off.
basically i bodged the old drop arm on the steering box by tack welding a washer on to secure the gator but just operating the steering to move bruce around the garage has snapped it off leaving the gator "insecure" which i have been assured is an mot failure, leaving me with two options replace the arm with a new standard drop arm and fit a new ball joint and hope it will last another 24 years or fit a disco drop arm, drag link and steering damper
adapter .

im not fussed either way but advice on what other people have done and can recommend would be great. if no one comments on this thread ill ask it as a question just in the defender section.

anyway the olden had to come off so set about it tonight started by dropping the ball joint and undoing the nut followed by gentle persuasion with the hammer but it wasn't going so set about cutting it off and knocking it till eventually it came free revealing a rather sorry looking power steering box seal.



work of a true cowboy, yee ha :5bpatriot:


dodgy looking seal easy job?



cheers Sam
:attention: got a bit done on bruce today, started off with the bell housing needed a few extra bolts to satisfy mister mot so got some fitted, followed by the brake pipe i broke, then set about refitting the flooring and tunnels.

brakes hopefully get them bled tomorrow,


just putting the tunnels in has moved the bulkhead and knocked my doors out of line still not bad tho.


won't leak (hopefully won't need to remove them anytime soon)




cheers Sam :tea:
Looks mint mate, in the middle of a similar project myself,

Keep the pics coming:):)

Coming on great - well done

thanks chaps, the day started well went to halfords to get some brake fluid to do the brakes and clutch got home found i don't have a pipe that will go on the nipples..... :eek: day over.

back into the warm house to spend whats left of the day tracking down parts making lists and dreaming about one of these night heater contraptions.
is it worth fitting one ?

:tea: Sam
I used them when I restored the MGB, good stuff.
yeah the quality seems great, nice and thick but still stretches quite well,

no problem.

got my finger out this evening and bled the brakes and clutch, still couldn't track down the correct tubing, but made do with what i had. going to try and acquire something at the weekend and double check them. just to be safe they seem fine atm no more bubbles coming out and a nice firm pedal.... and extremely heavy clutch but it was like that before.

:D Sam
slight progress,
can't do a lot till i get some more parts and as thursday is payday (about time) I'm going to get some stuff ordered hopefully all the necessary parts to get the engine plumbed in intercooler pipes, lift pump, water pipes and oil lines from steve parkers. need some parts for the back door hinges, latch and lifting rams, and some stuff from QT to sort out my steering situation. and my windows that i have had ordered are due back in stock on wednesday so will get them as well soon.

todays progress... not a lot really but better than nothing,
started with adjusting the valve clearances and found a broken breather pipe so need to sort one out,


got the water pump off ready to be replaced and renewed the p gasket,


then finished the high lift mount on the wheel carrier a cut down bolt secured with washers and an R clip i found in the bolt box it will be padlocked to the base for a little extra security,



the jack isn't going to be stored there it will live in the garage and just be carried on the carrier for when the goings going to be rough :rolleyes:

it was blerry could in there today, had to have the heater on,


...... and a brew


shame its I've not got it done a bit sooner snow looks great fun,


cheers Sam :tea:
:bump2: hopefully some people are still interested.... comments getting less and less ohh well ,
made some progress today fitted the water pump so could refit the pulleys and fit a new belt,


then fitted the intercooler pipes. just got to test fit the wing tomorrow it seems a little close,



started to fit some of the water pipes got a few clips to fit and joinings to fettle along with the oil lines then fit the new lift pump and fuel pipes when they finally arrive and hopefully all being well i may get it going at the weekend .
cheers Sam :tea:
Keep the photo's coming plenty of interest in your great rebuild . Only wish i had the space and skill.
i have to hand it to you Sam you have done a great job so far. i really wish i had the space/money/time to do a project like this. hopefully one day i will be able to follow in your footsteps.
can i just ask how much experiance / knowledge did you have before starting?
Did you use a discovery radiator and intercooler?

yes the disco rad/intercooler just cut the side mounts off the frame and lowered the bottom mounts to get it as low as possible.

Keep the photo's coming plenty of interest in your great rebuild . Only wish i had the space and skill.

thanks for the motivation. :rolleyes:

i have to hand it to you Sam you have done a great job so far. i really wish i had the space/money/time to do a project like this. hopefully one day i will be able to follow in your footsteps.
can i just ask how much experiance / knowledge did you have before starting?

thanks mate, experience not a lot really I'm only 20 and this is my second motor the first was a 1989 mini which i did a little welding and changed rear subframe, but nothing on the scale of this and not a lot of knowledge either really just memories of my uncle picking me up from nursery in his knackered old series 3 and that whats kept me motivated to finish this one (must have been the fumes or something) ;) never been a normal child always messing about taking stuff apart, sometimes it even went back together :p
It's an absolute credit to you ;) Keep it up !

Only reason it went a bit quite was cos yeh post slipped down the pages ;)
It's an absolute credit to you ;) Keep it up !

Only reason it went a bit quite was cos yeh post slipped down the pages ;)

thanks Jason glad people are interested what i am doing.

got a little done this evening,

started with the rest of the water pipes got the heater pipes fitted and clipped up then the other hoses some of which are slightly too long but i will test it like this and then once the wings are on and the position of the expansion tank finalised i will trim them to suite.




then got the extended oil pipes fitted i was slightly unsure of how they go but after some test positioning i think I've cracked it.



then got around to fitting the lift pump, just waiting on the fuel line to be delivered, needs oil and water in it along with a bit of charge in the battery and a whole lot of luck it should run....;)
Keep it up m8 just what I need to get a move on with mine I have enjoyed every 18 pages and waiting or more once again good work.:D

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