marksurry said:
Not sure how much a spring and shock would cost for a Freelander, never needed to replace them.
I assume your Disco has needed new suspension components then? ;)
you'd have to actually drive it to wear out springs and shocks. getting winched onto a flatbed just wont do it
Hey, flatbeds are bumpy too. Worked my suspension quite hard as she was bouncing all over the place, especially when the truck moved off.
Do Disco owners really hate us Freelander owners that much?
You Disco owners make me laugh :D
no mark, you are ok, its the same as always, there is a minority that can't take a joke and get all stroppy which then escalates into others getting stroppy then it turns into a great big ****ing contest and some people take it to heart which then turns into my dads bigger than yours and so on and so forth ;)
I see, thanks for that yella. My Dad is quite short, I have to fight his battles now. He tells people that his Son is bigger than theirs. It's quite sad really.
@helpme, I don't dislike you either. One day you'll post a nice comment about us Freelander owners I'm sure. I look forward to it.
yella is right there are a few who cant take a joke and start ****ing people off trying get them banned from the forum and so on. some of you freelander lot are great freddy is a funny guy but i do give him loads of ****
yella disco said:
funny how the camel trophy came to an end shortly after the freelander was entered

LOL, the real Camel Trophy ended when Iain Chapman left, and that was when the Freelander was a twinkle in Solihull's eye.


Blippie said:
LOL, the real Camel Trophy ended when Iain Chapman left, and that was when the Freelander was a twinkle in Solihull's eye.



can i assume that the camel trophy freelander in your avatar, along with all the other camel freelanders was pretend then ??
yella disco said:
can i assume that the camel trophy freelander in your avatar, along with all the other camel freelanders was pretend then ??

You see, there's Camel Trophy and there's Camel Trophy.


marksurry said:
Not sure how much a spring and shock would cost for a Freelander, never needed to replace them.
I assume your Disco has needed new suspension components then? ;)
here you go freelander springs 62.68 +vat each
freelander shockers 38.98+vat each

disco springs 18.68 +vat each
disco shockers 12.42+vat each

think i will stick to the disco spares are a lot cheaper
helpme said:
smashed up in a hole that not a good start

Now that's not fair - that's double standards.

If it was a Disco in a hole you would say it was a challenge...


reading thread no#67 you state that really a camel freelander is not a real camel vehicle, or is it me ;)
Going by those prices I would say that Hippo suspension components last on average 3 times longer than Disco components. We change ours once, you change yours 3 times. Sod that, sounds like hard work to me.
I'll keep the Hippo thanks.
marksurry said:
Going by those prices I would say that Hippo suspension components last on average 3 times longer than Disco components. We change ours once, you change yours 3 times. Sod that, sounds like hard work to me.
I'll keep the Hippo thanks.
going by that logic my jag ones will last longer than the universe
Blippie said:
Now that's not fair - that's double standards.

If it was a Disco in a hole you would say it was a challenge...



but discos and series lrs are ment to be in places like that
fredlander said:
While i know the whole idea of a forum is to get help and advise when we have problems, the Freelander forum makes dire and depressing reading.
I have only had mine a short time, and covered 1500 trouble free miles, but i refuse to believe they are the pile of crap people are making them out to be.
While thet are not an "off roader" they have there place in the market, and for what i want one for,(pulling caravan, commuting) it appears to be the ideal car, for me.
So can we please have some positive comments from people who are enjoying trouble free use of their Freelander.;)
Back me up people, we are getting slaughtered by those disco divas upstairs, and having owned two popemobiles, i know what they are REALLY like:D :D
Freddie Freelander Fan

Following the threads through one could surmise that the individuals that need convincing freelanders are Land Rovers would be freelander owners. Perhaps this is a ruse; it would be a terrible admission to state that they themselves regret their purchase.
i am amazed at the lack of support on this thread from freelander owners. its no answer to put "they are all out driving em" cos we know thats bollocks. this thread has been going for about a week now so that has put paid to that argument.i stand up and admire the freelander boys that have put their positive comments. they are the same lads that take the banter in good faith, but others who get ****ty with the banter haven't even said "yes my freelander is good". doesn't that tell you something about the people rather than the cars ;)

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