freelander drivers are stuck up snotty t**ts will they let you out of a side road on to a main road in rush hour will they f**k they would rather stop in front of you be for letting you out if a disco or series have a problem at the side of the road will a freelander stop and help NO if a freelander has broken down they wont us to stop and help i have tow many a freelander off muddy Fields wont even say thank you
ok. i'm gonna end this with one question,

if you were in your freelander and you broke down on the motorway, how many freelanders would stop and help you. and its no good saying "i would stop if i saw a freelander broke down" cos that aint the question.
I don't think I'd stop and help anyone on the motorway if they were broken down. I'm the t**t that bibs his horn as I drive by, especially when it's raining.
Would I expect help from anyone? Not likely. That's one of the reasons I have AA cover on my Hippo. The other reason is peace of mind because I'm still not convinced she won't brake down :(
As for letting people out of side roads, I WILL let people go if it's safe to do so and I NEVER block side roads in slow moving traffic.
There's not many Freelander owners bigging the Freelander up on this thread. I'm concerned.

The Freelander is one of the most spectacular 4x4's in the whole wide world. They're just not appreciated in their time :(
I just sneaked a look at the Discovery forum on this site. Looks like Discos have planty of trouble too :D
Could this be the dreaded "Rover" in them? After all, Rovers REALLY suck, sorry, sucked, should be past tense shouldn't it ;)
To be honest I very much doubt if I would stop and help out another Freelander on the motorway, other that the fact that I am a 'stuck up snotty t**t(sp)', its illegal - with good reason too!!

If you break down on the motorway then you get your arse as far out of your car as you can, call help and wait - trust me on this one folks, I have sat on the bank and watched in absolute horror as a wagon went into the back of my Renault Scenic that I had got out of not 5 minutes previously (closest thing I have known to my 'blood turning to ice - seriously!) the net result was 2 lanes of the M5 closed for an hour - could have been MUCH worse.

I feel I am being a bit pedantic at the question though - I am assuming it was asked to highlight the camaraderie enjoyed between Disco owners - if that is the case then fair play to ya.

I own old cars and a couple of motorbikes and it is comforting to know that there is little chance of another bike going past you without checking if they can help - or at least that used to be the case, I dont know why but over the last few years there seem to be more new bikes on the road and the owners seem more reluctant to stop.

Oh yeah, had the top off my Freelander today - it looked the biz and it was nice to get a bit of sun on my bones, Im sure the lass from next door is looking at me with 'come to bed eyes' since i took delivery of it as well!!
outlander said:
I own old cars and a couple of motorbikes and it is comforting to know that there is little chance of another bike going past you without checking if they can help - or at least that used to be the case, I dont know why but over the last few years there seem to be more new bikes on the road and the owners seem more reluctant to stop.

thats cos they are all company directors that are bored with life and grasping at youth, they call themselves born again bikers
A big thanks to Marksurry and Blippie for giving me a break from Statler and Waldorf.
Parts price Hellpee quoted were probobly for Freelanders from L/R main dealer, and Discos from Craddocks, they cheat like that:D , and he dosn't make alot of sense after a couple of oatcakes and a bottle of WKD.
And YD has trouble trying to use the computer with a sheep on his lap.:D

Sorry i missed you lads last night.;)
i see you have come out of hiding now freddy you will have to wait for your ass kicking I'm off to play in some mud
Let me start by saying that I don't like freelanders, just my opinion, I haven't owned one and I don't want to.

I also don't read the freelander forums at all usually, those posts I read regarding freelanders are from their owners posting in the Disco forum, and they defend their model as much as we discovery owners do.

Just because the discovery forum attracts more 'regulars' and the model has more of a 'following' than freelanders means nothing but that.

I can see that Yella could be seen as an annoying tw*t, but he and the like keep this forum going and active, would you rather endless lists of unanswered posts generating no interest whatsoever, or a livley and entertaining forum? (ok say often he isn't even entertaining, but you get the idea:D (PS well past 100 posts yella and storing it all up :p))

we could have forums full of Davewal's;
that go beyond the mickey taking and engender the feelings of dislike between the marque's, but it goes both ways.....each to their own I say.:cool:
Fredlander, we could have done with your help last night but I think Blippie and myself stood our ground pretty well, upholding the Hippo name.
More Freelander drivers need to step forward though and big the vehicle up :D

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