FFS try reading the sellers description. then comment.. :rolleyes: instead of putting ya foot in it all the time.

The seller isn't doing anything wrong legally, i said that all along, but what legal use can any buyer put that bare chassis and the id to? The chassis on it's own hasn't got enough DVLA 'points' to retain it's original ID

Anyway, the only reason i posted it was because i thought it *could* be bought just for the ID, let AVCIS decide if it's worth looking at, it's not like they're going to go round and kick the bloke's door down, surely all they do with the id's reported to them, if they do anything, is put a note next to the registration info on the DVLA site that flags it up if someone tries to tax it.
The seller isn't doing anything wrong legally, i said that all along, but what legal use can any buyer put that bare chassis and the id to? The chassis on it's own hasn't got enough DVLA 'points' to retain it's original ID

Anyway, the only reason i posted it was because i thought it *could* be bought just for the ID, let AVCIS decide if it's worth looking at, it's not like they're going to go round and kick the bloke's door down, surely all they do with the id's reported to them, if they do anything, is put a note next to the registration info on the DVLA site that flags it up if someone tries to tax it.

you forgot about replacing the chassis with another genuine like for like component, also allowing you to keep the same reg.. I'd want the V5 in my name to ensure that it didn't go to anyone else. and to prove that the replacement chassis was legit.
you forgot about replacing the chassis with another genuine like for like component, also allowing you to keep the same reg.. I'd want the V5 in my name to ensure that it didn't go to anyone else. and to prove that the replacement chassis was legit.

Fair point, but can you legally use a second hand chassis? according to the pinned thread at the top of this forum, you can't. or am i missing something here?
This is the relevant bit from the hybrid / ringer thread:

Cars and car-derived vans (this includes Land Rovers) must use:

The original unmodified chassis or unaltered bodyshell (i.e. body and chassis as one unit - monocoque); or a new chassis or monocoque bodyshell of the same specification as the original supported by evidence from the dealer or manufacturer (e.g. receipt).

And two other major components from the original vehicle - ie suspension (front & back); steering assembly; axles (both); transmission or engine.

If a second-hand chassis or monocoque bodyshell is used a car must pass an Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA) and light goods vans must have a enhanced single vehicle approval (ESVA) or single vehicle approval (SVA) test after which a "Q" prefix registration number will be allocated.

I'd thought that provided you had a receipt for the chassis, you'd be all right, but the above appears to suggest that in order to stay within the letter of the law, you couldn't use a second hand chassis. Which is a pretty daft law IMO
Fair point, but can you legally use a second hand chassis? according to the pinned thread at the top of this forum, you can't. or am i missing something here?
No, you cannot use a second hand chassis, but you can use a brand new chassis as long as it is an exact copy of the original.
This is the relevant bit from the hybrid / ringer thread:

Cars and car-derived vans (this includes Land Rovers) must use:

The original unmodified chassis or unaltered bodyshell (i.e. body and chassis as one unit - monocoque); or a new chassis or monocoque bodyshell of the same specification as the original supported by evidence from the dealer or manufacturer (e.g. receipt).

And two other major components from the original vehicle - ie suspension (front & back); steering assembly; axles (both); transmission or engine.

If a second-hand chassis or monocoque bodyshell is used a car must pass an Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA) and light goods vans must have a enhanced single vehicle approval (ESVA) or single vehicle approval (SVA) test after which a "Q" prefix registration number will be allocated.


So lets say that I broke my chassis off roading and it was also rotten but I didnt want to but another Vehicle.

I could buy the chassis with V5.
Swap all the running gear off my damaged motor inc the axels,steering and gearbox and engine.
Then rebuild with a body off my choice.
Then use the vehicle with the ID that matches the chassis.
This would be legal and not classed as ringing.
Tell me if this is wrong...

In theory you could buy a used chassis with V5, and rebuild it with all new or used parts. You could keep the original VIN & Reg no, as long as it was done with parts of the same type as would originally have been fitted. As long as there are a certain number of these parts, eg steering, axles & suspension, this would be legal.

I don't consider my own Series 2a to be too far from standard, but as it has a Series 3 gearbox & a 90/110 2.5 petrol engine it wouldn't take much to reduce the "points" to a level where I could no longer use the original registration. It also has a replacement chassis, which was bought new.

Someone made a comment about stamping the original VIN onto a new chassis, is this necessary? How many of us could find the original stamped number on a chassis covered with years of underseal / paint / rust / paint etc?
Tell me if this is wrong...

In theory you could buy a used chassis with V5, and rebuild it with all new or used parts. You could keep the original VIN & Reg no, as long as it was done with parts of the same type as would originally have been fitted. As long as there are a certain number of these parts, eg steering, axles & suspension, this would be legal.

I don't consider my own Series 2a to be too far from standard, but as it has a Series 3 gearbox & a 90/110 2.5 petrol engine it wouldn't take much to reduce the "points" to a level where I could no longer use the original registration. It also has a replacement chassis, which was bought new.

Someone made a comment about stamping the original VIN onto a new chassis, is this necessary? How many of us could find the original stamped number on a chassis covered with years of underseal / paint / rust / paint etc?
Yes you could buy a used chassis with VIN and use that as a basis for a rebuild as long as the parts you fit are correct for the model of vehicle that the VIN and chassis are from. You could get away with changing the engine and gearbox for a later model as long as that is all you change. What you cannot do is stick a Series Land Rover ID on a 90/110 and call it a historic vehicle.
Thanks for the heads up on the ebay auctions since my last post. All those flagged up have gone to AVCIS for consideration....
Hi, iv been watching this thread develop for a while and thought I might add something.

It going to be controvesial, but hear me out.

If you buy a second hand chassis WITHOUT A V5 AND REG NUMBER, and then (for whatever reason) you choose to put that chassis under your own land rover, but keep your original v5 and id/vin reg number, that is illegal.

So from that point of view its better that these chassis are sold with their V5's and i.d plates.

It sounds hopeless but you cant stop the baddies from getting hold of v5's because even if you could stop people selling chassis with V5's (witch you can't because of how the system is) the baddies will just buy low priced 'whole' land rovers, only for the v5's

If you want to catch the real criminals id be looking at old "spares or repair" and "project" 90's and 110's that occasionally end up on ebay WITHOUT a v5 and id and ask the owner whats going on. You can bet the v5 is now on a "USA Exportable 300tdi"

I think what members on here and AVCIS are doing is a worth while thing but i think it should be more directed at the "1984 'B' reg 300tdi's and TD5's " that are all suppossably "fully rebuilt and exportable"
and of coarse the people who sell the "V5 with a bucket of rust".

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